The Last Will and Testament of Senhor Da Silva Araújo

by Germano Almeida

Rating: 4 (4 votes)

Tags: Set in Cape Verde Male author

The Last Will and Testament of Senhor Da Silva Araújo

"In his will, Senhor da Silva Araujo has left a memoir that is a touching web of elaborate self-deceptions. He desired so ardently to prosper, to be taken seriously, and to join (perhaps, if they would have him) the exclusive Gremio country club. But most of all, he wanted to be a good man. And yet, shady deals, twists of fate, an illegitimate child: such is the lot of poor, self-critical Senhor da Silva Araujo. A bit like Calvino's Mr. Palomar in his attention to protocol and in his terror of life's passions; a bit like Svevo's Zeno (a little pompous, a little old-fashioned, and often hapless) Senhor da Silva Araujo moves along a deliciously blurry line between farce and tragedy: a self-important buffoon becomes a fully human, even tragic, figure in the arc of this novel."--BOOK JACKET.

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Country: Cape Verde flag Cape Verde
Language: EN
Genre: Romance

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