Yellowface : A Novel

by R. F. Kuang

Rating: 4 (9 votes)

Tags: Set in United States of America Female author


So what if June edits Athena's novel and sends it to her agent as her own work? Doesn't this piece of history deserve to be told, whoever the teller? That's what June claims, and the New York Times bestseller list seems to agree. But June can't get away from Athena's shadow, and emerging evidence threatens to bring June's (stolen) success down around her


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Tio
(11 months ago)
09 Mar, 2024
Fun, light read - one of the few making use of modern social media and its role in the day-to-day. Author's politics come through, but not in a way that is at all detrimental to the storytelling.

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