Your personal leadership guide

by Ntangeki Nshala

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A Personal Leadership Guide for Youth

This book is for YOUTH. Those in Secondary school or College. While our YOUTH are schools they are taught in curriculum that prepares them to become skilled to perform certain professional tasks. being a Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Accountant..etc. very few schools focus their efforts to shape the character of these YOUTH to grow up into responsible people who can use their knowledge, skills and energy for the general benefit of their families and community at large. In this book I talk to YOUTH about habits that need to be developed and which will be useful as they grow up and navigate through school life and emerge out as successful professionals. This book is about Personal Leadership. Personal Leadership is all what matters in life. Personal Leadership is what makes talents, skills and knowledge work at their best for our personal benefit and for the benefit of our families and the whole community at large. The level of your Personal leadership will be directly proportional with the level of your success. No wonder children of the same family...with same mother same father... grow up to different levels of success. Why? it is because of the chain of decisions they make along their life journey, which is a product of Personal Leadership.This book can make an invaluable gift to your child. This book is like a parent's companion...assisting the parent to address matters they need to talk to their children. This is a MUST read for every YOUTH.

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Country: Tanzania flag Tanzania
Language: EN

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