Comic books set in Brazil (3)

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Angola Janga by Marcelo d'Salete EN

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An independent kingdom of runaway slaves founded in the late 16th century, Angola Janga was a beacon of freedom in a land plagued with oppression. In stark black ink and chiaroscuro panel compositions, D’Salete brings history to life; the painful stories of fugitive slaves on the run, the brutal raids by Portuguese colonists, and the tense power struggles within this precarious kingdom. At turns heartbreaking and empowering, Angola Janga sheds light on a long-overlooked moment of resistance against oppression.


Daytripper Deluxe Edition by Gabriel Ba EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
The Eisner Award winning DAYTRIPPER follows Bras de Olivias Dominguez during different periods in his life, each with the same ending: his death. DAYTRIPPER follows the life of one man, Bras de Olivias Dominguez. Every chapter features an important period in Bras' life in exotic Brazil, and each story ends the same way: with his death. And then, the following story starts up at a different point in his life, oblivious to his death in the previous story-and then also ends with him dying again. In every chapter, Bras dies at different moments in his life, as the story follows him through his ent... continue


Arlindo by Ilustralu PT

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Uma história sobre descobrir que a gente não tá só. Vencedor do CCXP Awards (2022) na categoria Melhor Quadrinho. Arlindo é um garoto cheio de sonhos e vontade de encontrar seu lugar no mundo. Tudo o que ele quer é seguir sua vida de adolescente na cidadezinha onde mora, no interior do Rio Grande do Norte. Ele aluga filmes na locadora com as amigas todo sábado, sente o coração bater mais forte pelas primeiras paqueras, canta muito Sandy & Júnior no chuveiro, e ainda cuida da irmã mais nova e ajuda a mãe a fazer doces para vender. Por mais que ele se esforce e dê o seu melhor, muita gente na ci... continue