It surprises no one that the charming but wayward Vadinho dos Guimaraes–a gambler notorious for never winning—dies during Carnival. His long suffering widow Dona Flor devotes herself to her cooking school and her friends, who urge her to remarry. She is soon drawn to a kind pharmacist who is everything Vadinho was not, and is altogether happy to marry him. But after her wedding she finds herself dreaming about her first husband’s amorous attentions; and one evening Vadinho himself appears by her bed, as lusty as ever, to claim his marital rights.
Heralded as the most important Brazilian novel of the century so far, this bestseller's unique blend of magic and social realism won it three literary awards and global acclaim 'I heard our grandmother asking what we were doing.'"Say something!" she demanded, threatening to tear out our tongues. Little did she know that one of us was holding her tongue in her hand.' Deep in Brazil's neglected Bahia hinterland, two sisters find an ancient knife beneath their grandmother's bed and, momentarily mystified by its power, decide to taste its metal. The shuddering violence that follows marks their liv... continue
Este libro, hecho Para la cr tica, re ne lecturas contempor neas y originales. Sit a e interpreta la obra de este escritor brasile o a trav s de ensayos de grandes investigadores como: Darcy Ribeiro, Alfredo Bosi, Silviano Santiago, Ra l Antelo, Eneida Mar a de Souza, Haroldo de Campos, H ctor Olea y Pierre Rivas, entre otros. Se incluye en esta edici n un dossier de fotograf as sobre el autor, una cronolog a y una bibliograf a comentada.
Desenvolvido na oficina de Gabriel García Márquez, o romance de Socorro Acioli conta a história de um jovem que descobre possuir o fantástico dom de ouvir as preces das mulheres para santo Antônio. Pouco antes de morrer, a mãe de Samuel lhe faz um último pedido: que ele vá encontrar a avó e o pai que nunca conheceu. Mesmo contrariado, o rapaz cumpre a promessa e faz a pé o caminho de Juazeiro do Norte até a pequena cidade de Candeia, sofrendo todas as agruras do sol impiedoso do sertão do Ceará. Ao chegar àquela cidade quase fantasma, ele encontra abrigo num lugar curioso: a cabeça oca e gigan... continue