Lobbi, a young man just leaving for a new job, experiences a chain of life changing events including the death of his mother and unexpected fatherhood for himself, but as he focuses on the cultivation of a rare eight-petaled rose he learns how to adjust to his new life and to cultivate love as well.
Longlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2017 Keflavik: a town that may be the darkest place in Iceland, surrounded by black lava fields, hemmed in by a sea that may not be fished, and site of the U.S. military base, whose influences shaped Icelandic culture from the '50s to the dawning of the new millennium. Ari - a writer and publisher - lands back in Keflavik from Copenhagen. His father is dying, and he is flooded by memories of his youth in the '70s and '80s, listening to Pink Floyd and the Beatles, raiding American supply lorries and discovering girls. And one girl he could never... continue
Set against the bleak landscape of Iceland, a story of madness unfolds as Paul describes growing up in a working-class family and his frequent retreat into his own fantasy world, which eventually leads him to Klepp, a psychiatric hospital.