Algeria flag Dystopia books from Algeria

Recommended dystopia books (1)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into dystopia here are some dystopia books from Algeria for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


2084 : The End of the World by Boualem Sansal EN

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Country: Africa / Algeria flag Algeria
A tribute to George Orwell's 1984 and a cry of protest against totalitarianism of all kinds, Sansal's 2084 tells the story of a near future in which religious extremists have established an oppressive caliphate where autonomous thought is forbidden. It is the year 2084. In the kingdom of Abistan--named after the prophet Abi, earthly messenger of the god Yolah--citizens submit to a single god, demonstrating their devotion by kneeling in prayer nine times a day. Autonomous thought has been banned, remembering is forbidden, and an omnipresent surveillance system instantly informs the authorities ... continue