Angola flag Books from Angola

32 popular angolan books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Angola. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Una niña está perdida en su siglo en busca de su padre by Gonçalo M. Tavares ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Marius, que parece huir de algo, se une a Hanna, una adolescente con Síndrome de Down, en la búsqueda de su padre. Los lugares que visitan y los personajes que conocen (así como los sueños) adquieren un valor simbólico que pretenden caracterizar el siglo XX. La modalidad recuerda a El Principito, en que la simpatía de Hannah le abre las puertas a los diversos mundos, aunque lo simbólico de cada caso es más complejo y también más inquietante. Aunque la redacción dificulta un poco la lectura, muy bueno.


Whites Can Dance Too by Kalaf Epalanga EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
An exhilarating debut novel told through three different voices, Whites Can Dance Too is Kalaf Epalanga's reflection on and celebration of the music of his homeland, the intertwining of cultural roots, and freedom and love. It took being caught at a border without proper documents for me to realise I'd always been a prisoner of sorts. Kuduro had been my passport to the world, thanks to it I'd travelled to places I'd never dreamed of visiting. But the chickens had come home to roost . . . Hours before performing at one of Europe's most iconic music festivals, Kalaf Epalanga is detained at the b... continue


Biography Contemporary fiction Historical fiction Magical realism Memoir Poetry Romance Short story Travel