Angola flag Books from Angola

32 popular angolan books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Angola. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


A General Theory of Oblivion by Jose Eduardo Agualusa EN

Rating: 4 (18 votes)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
WINNER OF THE INTERNATIONAL DUBLIN LITERARY AWARD 2017 A finalist for the Man Booker International Prize 2016 The brilliant new novel from the winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. On the eve of Angolan independence, Ludo bricks herself into her apartment, where she will remain for the next thirty years. She lives off vegetables and pigeons, burns her furniture and books to stay alive and keeps herself busy by writing her story on the walls of her home. The outside world slowly seeps into Ludo’s life through snippets on the radio, voices from next door, glimpses of a man fleeing his... continue


A Practical Guide to Levitation : Stories by Jose Eduardo Agualusa EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
A luminous collection of dryly humorous stories that revel in the surreal and fantastic, from the pen of José Eduardo Agualusa, winner of the International Dublin Literary Award Perfect for readers of Haruki Murakami, Julio Cortázar, and Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift Vividly translated into English for the first time by long-time Agualusa collaborator Daniel Hahn, the jewel-like tales gathered in this collection are an exuberant celebration of story-telling in all its various forms. On the sands of Itamaracá, an old fisherman dreams of fish: shad in the morning, when the water’s smooth and s... continue


Avódezanove e o segredo do soviético : romance by Ondjaki PT

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
As obras do Mausoléu que irá albergar os restos mortais do presidente da República estão quase a terminar. Os habitantes do bairro vizinho descobrem que as suas casas serão destruídas porque o espaço circundante ao monumento será requalificado. Duas crianças decidem explodir o Mausoléu e assim poupar o bairro onde sempre viveram. Entretanto o responsável pela obra, um soviético, apaixona-se pela avó de uma das crianças. Entretanto essa avó tem de ser operada para lhe amputarem um dedo do pé. Entretanto existe uma outra avó que aparece muito mas não existe. Entretanto o plano das crianças falha... continue


Bom dia, camaradas by Ondjaki PT

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Do premiado autor angolano, Bom dia, camaradas resgata de forma lírica a infância de um garoto de classe média num país dividido entre a tradição e o novo. Uma Luanda dos anos 1980 com professores cubanos, escolas entoando hinos matinais e jovens de classe média é o cenário de Bom dia, camaradas. Do universo do romance também fazem parte as lembranças dos cartões de abastecimento, as desigualdades sociais e os conflitos entre modernidade e tradição. Através do olhar lírico de um garoto, o leitor é levado a uma Angola que acabou de se tornar independente e é obrigada a repensar as regras sociai... continue


Broken Halves of a Milky Sun : Poems by Aaiún Nin EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
With the emotional undertow of Ocean Vuong and the astute political observations of Natalie Diaz, a powerful poetry debut exploring the effects of racism, war and colonialism, queer love and desire. In their breathtaking international debut, Aaiún Nin plumbs the depths of the lived and enduring effects of colonialism in their native country, Angola. In these pages, Nin untangles complexities of exile, the reckoning of familial love, but also reveals the power of queer love and desire through the body that yearns to love and be loved. Nin shows the ways in which faith and devotion serve as form... continue


El vendedor de pasados by José Eduardo Agualusa ES

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Félix Ventura es un personaje peculiar. Además de ser albino, ha escogido un extraño oficio: vendedor de pasados falsos. Después de años de guerra, sus clientes –prósperos empresarios, políticos, generales y la emergente burguesía angoleña– tienen un futuro prometedor. Así que sólo les falta un pasado presentable. Félix les fabrica una genealogía de lujo, memorias felices, e incluso les procura los inevitables retratos de ancestros ilustres. Una noche llega un misterioso extranjero solicitando sus servicios y, de pronto, el pasado irrumpe en el presente en una trama que es también una original... continue


Essa Dama Bate Bué! by Yara Nakahanda Monteiro PT

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Vitória nasceu em Angola, mas foi criada em Portugal. A infância, que está longe de idílica (por causa do racismo e da condição de exilada), esconde um trauma: ela nunca conheceu a mãe, uma revolucionária angolana. Narrado com eletricidade, o romance embaralha saudavelmente as formas e as expectativas: é uma história de amor e de guerra, um conto contemporâneo que lida com o passado, um chamado à independência das mulheres como seres políticos.


Good morning comrades : a novel by Ondjaki EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Luanda, Angola, 1990. Ndalu is a normal twelve-year old boy in an extraordinary time and place. Like his friends, he enjoys laughing at his teachers, avoiding homework and telling tall tales. But Ndalu's teachers are Cuban, his homework assignments include writing essays on the role of the workers and peasants, and the tall tales he and his friends tell are about a criminal gang called Empty Crate which specializes in attacking schools. Ndalu is mystified by the family servant, Comrade Antonio, who thinks that Angola worked better when it was a colony of Portugal, and by his Aunt Dada, who liv... continue


La generación de la utopía by Artur Pestana ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Angola flag Angola
Toma de conciencia política, clandestinidad, exilio en Europa, guerra en el desierto, reconstrucción y reencuentros en Angola, el país liberado, son los pasos que marcan el trepidante ritmo de la novela, envolvente y al tiempo precisa, que sitúa la utopía como telón de fondo ante el que los personajes optarán, como en la vida misma, por las más dispares desde el compromiso, la entrega y la lucha, hasta el oportunismo, la traición y el olvido. Pepetela rescata de su memoria las mil caras de la lucha por la independencia de Angola va... continue


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