Greenland flag Contemporary fiction books from Greenland

Recommended contemporary fiction books (4)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into contemporary fiction here are some contemporary fiction books from Greenland for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Blomsterdalen by Niviaq Korneliussen NO

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
HVAD ER MIT NAVN? JEG HAR IKKE ET NAVN, JEG ER BARE ET TAL. Hun oplevede det første selvmord, da hun var tretten. Selv vil hun begraves mellem de høje fjelde i den østgrønlandske by Tasiilaq, hvor de navnløse grave på kirkegården i Blomsterdalen er dækket med blå, røde og pink plastikblomster, der skriger i den rene sne. Hun har en kæreste, hun elsker, en omsorgsfuld familie, og hun er lige kommet ind på universitetet i Aarhus. Verden står åben, men intet føles rigtigt, og gradvist begynder verden at snævre sig ind omkring hende, og en nedtælling begynder. Blomsterdalen er en kuldslået og fand... continue


Crimson by Niviaq Korneliussen EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
'Effortlessly cool, funny yet sad, breezy but thoughtful - this is an edgy and unputdownable work of modern literature' Sharlene Teo, author of Ponti 'Crimson is written with immense courage - there's no faking the feeling of honesty on each page. It is a brave novel reminiscent of Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting' Laline Paull, author of The Bees The island has run out of oxygen. The island is swollen. The island is rotten. The island has taken my beloved from me. The island is a Greenlander. It's the fault of the Greenlander. In Nuuk, Greenland . . . Fia breaks up with her long-term boyfriend an... continue


La vallée des fleurs by Niviaq Korneliussen FR

0 Ratings
Elle vit à Nuuk, la capitale du Groenland. Elle est inuite, jeune, moderne et pleine d'humour. Elle est amoureuse de sa copine. Elle a été acceptée à l'Université d'Aarhus au Danemark et va enfin sortir du nid familial. Mais l'arrivée sur le continent réveille en elle une souffrance muette, une fêlure qui tue lentement le goût de vivre. Un événement tragique dans sa belle-famille la rappelle opportunément dans l'est du Groenland, au pied de la Vallée des Fleurs où, contre toute attente, la beauté des montagnes déclenche chez elle le début d'une rupture radicale. Elle, qui enfant avait sauté d'... continue


Rock, Paper, Scissors by Naja Marie Aidt EN

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Rock, Paper, Scissors opens shortly after the death of Thomas and Jenny's criminal father. While trying to fix a toaster that he left behind, Thomas discovers a secret, setting into motion a series of events leading to the dissolution of his life and plunging him into a dark, shadowy underworld of violence and betrayal. A gripping story written with a poet's sensibility and attention to language, Rock, Paper, Scissors will greatly expand the readership for one of Denmark's most decorated and beloved writers.