Indonesia flag Magical realism books from Indonesia

Recommended magical realism books (4)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into magical realism here are some magical realism books from Indonesia for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Apple and Knife by Intan Paramaditha EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
**A The White Review Book of the Year** A dazzling and provocative debut story collection from celebrated Indonesian writer Intan Paramaditha, putting fierce and fabulous female characters centre stage in brilliantly funny and sharp twists on fairy tale. Inspired by horror fiction, myths and fairy tales, Apple and Knife is an unsettling ride that swerves into the supernatural to explore the dangers and power of occupying a female body in today's world. These stories set in the Indonesian everyday - in corporate boardrooms, shanty towns, on dangdut stages - reveal a soupy otherworld stewing jus... continue


La belleza es una herida by Eka Kurniawan ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
Dewi Ayu, una bella prostituta dada por muerta veinte años antes, aparece en medio del paisaje bélico y de tumultuosa inestabilidad política de la Indonesia del siglo XX. Esta inesperada reaparición es el punto de partida para la narración de su vida. Dewi siempre supo cómo tratar a los hombres, y su fama de buena amante y de mujer hermosa la obligaron a tomar decisiones drásticas que cambiarían la vida de sus cuatro hijas.


The Ten Thousand Things by Maria Dermout EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
In Wild, Cheryl Strayed writes of The Ten Thousand Things: "Each of Dermoût’s sentences came at me like a soft knowing dagger, depicting a far-off land that felt to me like the blood of all the places I used to love.” And it's true, The Ten Thousand Things is at once novel of shimmering strangeness—and familiarity. It is the story of Felicia, who returns with her baby son from Holland to the Spice Islands of Indonesia, to the house and garden that were her birthplace, over which her powerful grandmother still presides. There Felicia finds herself wedded to an uncanny and dangerous world, full ... continue


Tigermann by Eka Kurniawan DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
Aus dem Indonesischen von Martina Heinschke. Die Erzählung beginnt mit der Nachricht von einem brutalen Mord. Margio, ein stiller Junge, zwanzig Jahre alt, als Treiber bei der Wildschweinjagd allseits geschätzt, hat überraschend seinen Nachbarn getötet, nicht mit einer Waffe - er hat ihm vielmehr die Kehle durchgebissen. Der Roman kreist um die Hintergründe der Tat. Sprachlich präzise, dicht und mit ungewöhnlichen Metaphern lässt Eka Kurniawan Margios Welt entstehen: schwierige Familienverhältnisse, die Beziehungen zwischen den Nachbarn, die Bindung an die Großeltern, Margios Geschick bei der ... continue