Indonesia flag Contemporary fiction books from Indonesia

Recommended contemporary fiction books (2)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into contemporary fiction here are some contemporary fiction books from Indonesia for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


She Smells of Turmeric by Natasha Sondakh EN

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Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
Throughout her life, Cecilia Poetry has listened to her father rave about his home country, Indonesia. After his death, Cecilia decides to move to Jakarta and explore the beautiful life that her father had envisioned for her. When Cecilia moves in with her wealthy grandparents, they try their best to shape her into the ideal Indonesian granddaughter. She learns of her grandparents' distaste for her American lifestyle and a grudge against her beloved parents, which pushes her away from them. Entangled in frustrating family dynamics, Cecilia escapes to her rich, beautiful, and successful friends... continue


The Birdwoman's Palate by Laksmi Pamuntjak EN

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Country: Asia / Indonesia flag Indonesia
In this exhilarating culinary novel, a woman's road trip through Indonesia becomes a discovery of friendship, self, and other rare delicacies. Aruna is an epidemiologist dedicated to food and avian politics. One is heaven, the other earth. The two passions blend in unexpected ways when Aruna is asked to research a handful of isolated bird flu cases reported across Indonesia. While it's put a crimp in her aunt's West Java farm, and made her own confit de canard highly questionable, the investigation does provide an irresistible opportunity. It's the perfect excuse to get away from corrupt and c... continue