Italy flag Short story books from Italy

Recommended short story books (4)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into short story here are some short story books from Italy for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
In Kublai Khan's garden, at sunset, the young Marco Polo diverts the aged emperor from his obsession with the impending end of his empire with tales of countless cities past, present, and future.


Novelle fatte a macchina by Gianni Rodari IT

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
Un coccodrillo sapiente che si presenta al Rischiatutto, Marco e Mirko contro la temibile banda del Talco, Grillo, il postino di Civitavecchia che solleva navi e Colosseo, Piano Bill, il cow-boy musicale, il sior Tòdaro, che per timore che Venezia possa affondare da un momento all'altro si trasforma in un pesce…: ecco alcuni dei personaggi del nuovo libro di Gianni Rodari, "Novelle fatte a macchina". "Che cosa succederebbe se", chiave magica e apriti Sesamo per penetrare il mondo della fantasia e dell'immaginazione, è l'interrogativo che ... continue


Silk by Alessandro Baricco EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
In 1861 French silkworm merchant Hervé Joncour travels to Japan, where he encounters the mysterious Hara Kei. He develops a painful longing for Kei's beautiful concubine - but they cannot touch; they don't even speak. And he cannot read the note she sends him until he has returned to his own country. But the moment he does, Joncour is enslaved.Subtle, tender and surprising, Silk is an evocative tale of erotic possession.


The Periodic Table by Primo Levi, Raymond Rosenthal EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
In these haunting reflections, Primo Levi, a chemist by training, takes the elements of the periodic table as his inspiration. He ranges from young love to political savagery; from the inert gas argon - and 'inert' relatives like the uncle who stayed in bed for twenty-two years - to life-giving car bon. 'Iron' honours the mountain-climbing resistance hero who put iron in Levi's student soul, 'Cerium' recalls the improvised cigarette lighters which saved his life in Auschwitz, while 'Vanadium' describes an eerie post-war correspondence with the man who had been his 'boss' there.