Romania flag Historical fiction books from Romania

Recommended historical fiction books (10)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into historical fiction here are some historical fiction books from Romania for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Chira Chiralina by Panait Istrati RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
„Chira Chiralina e prima mea operă şi-mi rămâne scumpă între toate... Şi poate că azi plângem amândoi pe ruinele unor năzuinţi cari ne-au fost deopotrivă de scumpe...“ (Panait ISTRATI) Tragică, romantică, exotică, fermecătoare, plină de aventuri şi de pasiuni interzise, împletind viciul şi virtutea, abjecţia şi nobleţea, Chira Chiralina este una dintre cele mai tulburătoare scrieri din literatura română şi o neobosită pledoarie pentru libertate. Tânăra Chira, ademenitoare şi naivă, îndrăzneaţă şi nesăbuită, îşi duce zilele al... continue


Dawn : A Novel by Elie Wiesel EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Deals with the conflicts and thoughts of a young Jewish concentration-camp veteran as he prepares to assassinate a British hostage in occupied Palestine.


Day : A Novel by Elie Wiesel EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A Man seriously injured when hit by a car is taken to the hospital where a doctor, the woman who loves him, and his artist friend lead him to yearn for life rather than death.


Life Begins on Friday by Ioana Pârvulescu EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Parvulescus' book is a magical tale full of enchanting characters who can carry the reader to another time. A time-travel book for the romantic.


Terre des affranchis : roman by Liliana Lazar FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Victor ouvrit un cahier et prit sa plume. Sa main tremblait au moment d'écrire le premier mot du texte qu'il découvrait. D'un geste méthodique et lent, il traça de grosses lettres capitales sur la feuille. Le manuscrit dactylographié en roumain que Victor Luca s'apprête à recopier est un livre interdit car, en cette année 1972, Ceau5escu est au pouvoir et les temps sont à la répression. Pourquoi Victor écrit-il? Pour oublier l'odeur de la mandragore qui émane parfois des corps sans vie de jeunes filles ? Pour combler le vide des jours de solitude et d'enfermement ? En attendant la nuit et ses ... continue


The Girl They Left Behind by Roxanne Veletzos EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A sweeping historical romance that is "gripping, tragic, yet filled with passion and hope" (Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author), offering a vivid and unique portrayal of life in war-torn 1941 Bucharest during World War II and its aftermath--perfect for fans of Lilac Girls and Sarah's Key. On a freezing night in January 1941, a little Jewish girl is found on the steps of an apartment building in Bucharest. With Romania recently allied with the Nazis, the Jewish population is in grave danger so the girl is placed in an orphanage and eventually adopted by a wealthy childless couple who... continue


The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
'I know you'll return'. These are his grandmother's last words to him. Leo has them in his head as he boards the truck at 3am on a freezing mid-January morning in 1945. They keep him company during the long journey to Russia. They keep him alive - through hunger, pain, and despair - during his time in the brutal Soviet labour camps. And, eventually, they bring him back home.


They Were Counted by Miklós Bánffy EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
"Perfect late night reading" JAN MORRIS "Banffy is a born storyteller" PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR "Totally absorbing" MARTHA KEARNEY "So evocative" SIMON JENKINS An extraordinary portrait of the vanished world of pre-1914 Hungary, this epic story is told through the eyes of two cousins, Count Balint Abady and Count Laszlo Gyeroffy. Shooting parties in great country houses, turbulent scenes in parliament and the luxury life in Budapest provide the backdrop for this gripping, prescient novel, forming a chilling indictment of upper-class frivolity and political folly in which good manners cloak indiffe... continue


Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta by Aglaja Veteranyi EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
A nomadic family of circus performers, refugees from Romania, travels through Europe and Africa by caravan. The mother's death-defying act causes constant anxiety for her two daughters, who voice their fears through a grisly communal fairy tale about a child being cooked alive in polenta--but their real life is no less of a dark fable, and one that seems just as unlikely to have a happy ending. An actor and performance artist as well as a poet and novelist, Veteranyi was acclaimed for her seemingly "artless" narrative voice, in which pain and hilarity always vie for the upper hand--a voice at ... continue