Books set in Moldova (9)

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Der Garten aus Glas by Tatiana Țîbuleac DE

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
Die junge Lastotschka ist hart im Nehmen. Voller Zielstrebigkeit und mit festem Willen hat sie sich hochgearbeitet, von der Flaschensammlerin zur Chefärztin. Doch ihre von Armut geprägte Kindheit im Moldawien der Achtziger- und Neunzigerjahre verfolgt sie immer noch. Warum musste sie so viele Jahre im Waisenhaus zubringen? Warum hat ihre ruppige Ziehmutter Tamara sie schließlich zu sich geholt und zum Flaschensammeln mitgenommen? Und was ist aus den Frauen in ihrer damaligen Nachbarschaft geworden, ohne die Lastotschka nicht die wäre, die sie heute ist? Gemeinsam mit der E... continue


El Jardin de Vidrio by Tatiana Țîbuleac ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
Reseña:Una novela iniciática sobre el trauma y la búsqueda de la identidad. Una lectura contundente, hechizante, cruel e inquietante que cuestiona la maternidad, el amor y los vínculos que nos unen con nuestro pasado.Moldavia en los años más grises del comunismo. La anciana Tamara Pavlovna rescata a la pequeña Lastotchka de un orfanato. Lo que en principio puede parecer un acto de piedad esconde una realidad terrorífica. Lastotchka ha sido comprada como esclava, para ser explotada durante casi una década recolectando botellas por la calle. Aprender. a sobrevivir robando y mendigando, rechazand... continue


Kinderland by Liliana Corobca EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
Kinderland unfolds through the letters of a young girl to her absent parents. Her dispatches go unanswered, but they relay to a reader lively tales of cruel pranks and jovial reconciliations, pain and tenderness, despair and hope as these young children grow up alone with sadness, and longing. With her parents gone in search of work, twelve-year-old Cristina must act as a mother to her two younger brothers. Through her eyes, we roam the streets of a contemporary Moldovan village populated almost entirely with children and old people. Just as most of the inhabitants left their countryside and h... continue


La Ciudad Prometida by Valentina Scerbani ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
Oscillating between disappointment and insecurity, between disenchantment and despair, Ileana struggles to hold on to the idea of seeing her seriously ill mother again, who has left her in the care of her aunts. But her fear grips her, her dreams return pieces of a lost past, and her reflection has disappeared from all the mirrors. Valentina Şcerbani's narrative mastery manages to establish an obsessive atmosphere, accentuated by the imposing presence of the landscape, by the unrepentant rain and by human relationships in a small community made up exclusively of women.


Set in Stone by Stela Brinzeanu EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
In medieval Moldova, two women from opposing backgrounds fall in love. But this is a world where a woman's role is defined by religion and class. To make a life together means defying their families, the law, and the Church. The closer they become, and the more they refuse the roles assigned to them, the more sacrifices they have to make. While Mira's rebellion puts her life in the gravest danger, Elina must fight to change her legal status to 'son' so she can inherit her father's land and change their destiny. Set in Stone delves into the past to uncover a story which is just as relevant toda... continue


Terre des affranchis : roman by Liliana Lazar FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
Victor ouvrit un cahier et prit sa plume. Sa main tremblait au moment d'écrire le premier mot du texte qu'il découvrait. D'un geste méthodique et lent, il traça de grosses lettres capitales sur la feuille. Le manuscrit dactylographié en roumain que Victor Luca s'apprête à recopier est un livre interdit car, en cette année 1972, Ceau5escu est au pouvoir et les temps sont à la répression. Pourquoi Victor écrit-il? Pour oublier l'odeur de la mandragore qui émane parfois des corps sans vie de jeunes filles ? Pour combler le vide des jours de solitude et d'enfermement ? En attendant la nuit et ses ... continue


The Good Life Elsewhere by Vladimir Lorchenkov EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Moldova flag Moldova
A scathing satire and a tragicomic look at the poorest - and drunkest - country in Europe.