South Africa flag Short story books from South Africa

Recommended short story books (4)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into short story here are some short story books from South Africa for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


La Coleccionista de tesoros y otros cuentos de los pueblos de Botsuana by Bessie Head ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A través de trece cuentos, casi costumbristas, la autora nos pinta un excelente fresco de la vida en las aldeas de Botsuana (que no difieren mucho de tantas otras de África), durante el período de transición hacia la independencia del país. Y lo hace a través de personajes muy bien construidos, y ante los cuales pone sus ojos de una manera amable y comprensiva. A diferencia de gran parte de corriente dominante en los escritores africanos de la época (el libro fue escrito en 1977), no hace una mitificación nostálgica de las tradici... continue


Sit Down and Listen: Stories from South Africa by Ellen Kuzwayo EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
'For so many years now,' writes the author of this delightful collection, 'we have owned our stories while owning so little else.' Ellen Kuzwayo's autobiography Call Me Woman was an international bestseller. At last we hear her extraordinarily distinct voice again, this time in a series of stories culled from her rich personal experience as community leader, social worker, teacher and black woman in South Africa. These tales explore the complex life of contemporary black South Africa through the traditional form of story-telling. But the stories themselves are no... continue


Soweto, Under the Apricot Tree by Nicholas Mhlongo EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Imbued with a sense of place, this short story collection captures the vibrancy of Soweto and surrounds. Told with satirical flair, life and death intertwine in these tales where funerals and the ancestors feature strongly. Take a seat under the apricot tree and let a born storyteller enthral you with tales both entertaining and thought-provoking. -- Publisher's description.


The Collector of Treasures and Other Botswana Village Tales by Bessie Head EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Botswana village tales about subjects such as the breakdown of family life and the position of women in this society.