St. Lucia flag Contemporary fiction books from St. Lucia

Recommended contemporary fiction books (1)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into contemporary fiction here are some contemporary fiction books from St. Lucia for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Shades of Grey by Garth St. Omer EN

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As Stephenson, who almost accidentally finds himself as a mature student at university, comes closer to his girl-friend Thea, with her easy talk of her family, he has to acknowledge that he has never known his father, not lived with his mother, and cannot remember what his grandparents looked like. He knows, too, that his failure to come clean about a disreputable episode in his past threatens their relationship. The Lights on the Hill, the first of two interdependent short novels in Shades of Grey, is a moving and inward portrait of a man trying in his halting way to construct his own story. ... continue