Sweden flag Crime books from Sweden

Recommended crime books (17)
Travel the world without leaving your chair. If you are into crime here are some crime books from Sweden for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge.


Faceless Killers by Henning Mankell EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
A #1 international bestseller: This “exquisite novel of mesmerizing depth” launched the acclaimed Wallander Mysteries and BBC series starring Kenneth Branagh (Los Angeles Times). Early one morning, a small-town farmer discovers that his neighbors have been victims of a brutal attack during the night: An old man has been bludgeoned to death, and his tortured wife lies dying before the farmer’s eyes. The only clue is the single word she utters before she dies: “foreign.” In charge of the investigation is Inspector Kurt Wallander, a local detective whose personal life is in a shambles. His family... continue


Hunde von Riga : Thriller by Henning Mankell DE

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
Die Ermordung eines lettischen Kollegen führt Kommissar Wallander nach Riga. Dort gerät er in den Strudel des Kampfes zwischen Patriotismus, Besatzungsmacht und organisiertem Verbrechen.


Lahkomurhat by Jonas Bonnier FI

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
True crime -romaani uskonlahkon murhista Ruotsissa Karmiva tositarina koko Ruotsin tuntemasta tapahtumaketjusta, jossa uskonlahko saa valtaansa pienen kylän ja hurmahenkisyys muuttuu henkilöpalvonnaksi, seksirituaaleiksi ja murhiksi. Forsmanin perhe muuttaa pieneen Knutbyn kylään kesällä 1997. Paikkakunnalla vaikuttava seurakunta imaisee saarnaajaisän toimintaansa, ja ulkopuolinen maailma alkaa pian tuntua nuoren Kristina-vaimon mielestä kaukaiselta. Seurakuntaa hallitsee ihmeellinen ja kaunis Eva Skoog, ja kaikki on hyvin. Kunnes Kristinassa herää epäilys – mutta liian myöhään. Uskonliike muu... continue


Marked for Life by Emelie Schepp EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
When a high-ranking head of the migration board is found shot to death in his living room, there is no shortage of suspects, including his wife. But no one expects to find mysterious, child-size fingerprints in this childless home. Public prosecutor Jana Berzelius steps in to lead the investigation. Young and brilliant but emotionally cold, Berzelius, like her famous prosecutor father, won't be swayed by the hysterical widow or intimidated by the threatening letters the victim had tried to hide. She is steely, aloof, impenetrable. That is, until the boy... A few days later on a nearby deserted... continue


Mentalisten by Camilla Läckberg NO

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
I en kjempesatsing fra Sverige skapes en ny etterforskerduo utenom det vanlige: politietterforskeren Mina Dabiri og mentalisten Vincent Walder fra Stockholm. Mentalisten er den første i en trilogi av selveste Camilla Läckberg, skrevet sammen med den kjente mentalisten Henrik Fexeus. Mordet som setter det hele i gang er brutalt - en ung kvinne blir funnet i et sverdskap, gjennomboret fra alle kanter av sverdene lik en makaber parodi på det magiske trikset. Mina oppsøker mentalisten Vincent i et forsøk på å forstå morderens tenkemåte. Vincent lar seg fascinere av både Mina og saken hun etterfors... continue


Mörder ohne Gesicht by Henning Mankell DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
Auf einem abgelegenen Bauernhof ist ein altes Ehepaar überfallen und getötet worden. 'Ausländer, Ausländer!' waren die letzten Worte der sterbenden Frau. Als die Öffentlichkeit davon erfährt, wird Schonen von einer Welle ausländerfeindlicher Gewalt überrollt. Doch plötzlich führen die Ermittlungen in eine ganz andere Richtung ... Kommissar Wallanders erster Fall, mit dem Henning Mankell den Grundstein zu seiner Karriere als Erfolgsschriftsteller gelegt hat.


O hipnotista by Lars Kepler PT

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
Erik Maria Bark é o mais famoso hipnotista da Suécia. Acusado de falta de ética, e com o casamento à beira do colapso, jurou publicamente nunca mais praticar a hipnose nos seus pacientes e há dez anos que se mantém fiel à sua promessa. Em Estocolmo, uma família é brutalmente assassinada e a única testemunha está internada no hospital em estado de choque; Josef Ek, de apenas 15 anos, presenciou o massacre dos seus pais e irmã mais nova, sendo ele próprio encontrado numa poça de sangue, vivo por milagre. Nessa mesma noite, Erik Maria Bark recebe um telefonema do comissário Joona Linna solicitand... continue


Quicksand : A Novel by Malin Persson Giolito EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES Named an NPR "BEST BOOKS OF 2017" Named the Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year by the Swedish Crime Writers Academy An incisive courtroom thriller and a drama that raises questions about the nature of love, the disastrous side effects of guilt, and the function of justice A mass shooting has taken place at a prep school in Stockholm’s wealthiest suburb. Eighteen-year-old Maja Norberg is charged for her involvement in the massacre that left her boyfriend and her best friend dead. She has spent nine months in jail awaiting trial. Now the time has come for her to e... continue


Sommersonnenwende by Pascal Engman, Johannes Selåker DE

Rating: 4.5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
Der packende Nr. 1-Bestseller aus Schweden! »Hochaktuell und spannend bis zur letzten Seite.« David Lagercrantz Die Sonne brennt heiß auf den Asphalt in einem Stockholmer Vorort, als eine junge Frau gefunden wird, vergewaltigt und erdrosselt. Kriminalkommissar Tomas Wolf kann den Anblick der Toten kaum ertragen – zu sehr erinnert sie ihn an die dunkle Zeit in seiner Vergangenheit, die er am liebsten vergessen würde. Doch in diesem Sommer '94 ist er der Erste am Tatort. Er ahnt nicht, dass auch die Journalistin Vera Berg in diesem Mordfall ermittelt und dabei alles aufs Spiel setzt – vor allem ... continue