635 Tage im Eis: Die Shackleton-Expedition by Alfred Lansing DE
America the Beautiful? : One Woman in a Borrowed Prius on the Road Most Traveled by Blythe Roberson EN
Brave the Wild River : The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon by Melissa L. Sevigny EN
Carnet de Voyage by Craig Thompson EN
Cry of the Kalahari by Owens, Mark and Delia EN
From Here to Eternity : Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty EN
House of Stone : A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East by Anthony Shadid EN
In Morocco by Wharton, Edith EN
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer EN
Into Thin Air : A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer EN