Popular European Romance Books

Find romance books written by authors from Europe for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (106)


Patul lui Procust by Camil Petrescu RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Romania flag Romania
Triunghiuri amoroase sunt destule in amandoua romanele lui Camil Petrescu de dinainte de razboi. Combustibilul care pune dorinta in miscare este, in amandoua, vanitatea. Daca pasiunea se analizeaza si formeaza obiectul prozei psihologice, vanitatea se reflecta in gesturi si formeaza obiectul prozei comportiste. Camil Petrescu, atat de dator lui Proust in tezele lui despre roman, nu-i datoreaza mare lucru in romane ca atare. Patul lui Procust e romanul unor vanitati ranite: a doamnei T. si a lui Fred Vasilescu, in primul rand. Tocmai ale celor carora Autorul le da cuvantul, pe care-i indeamna s... continue


Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina meets The L Word in this fresh, sizzling New York Times bestselling rom-com by Lana Harper. Emmy Harlow is a witch but not a very powerful one—in part because she hasn't been home to the magical town of Thistle Grove in years. Her self-imposed exile has a lot to do with a complicated family history and a desire to forge her own way in the world, and only the very tiniest bit to do with Gareth Blackmoore, heir to the most powerful magical family in town and casual breaker of hearts and destroyer of dreams. But when a spellcasting tournament that her family serves ... continue


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen EN

Rating: 5 (64 votes)
"He began to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention." Pride and Prejudice , one of the most famous love stories of all time, has also proven itself as a treasured mainstay of the English literary canon. With the arrival of eligible young men in their neighbourhood, the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters are turned inside out and upside down. Pride encounters prejudice, upward-mobility confronts social disdain, and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity. Misconceptions and hasty judgements bring heartache and scandal, but eventually lead to true understanding, s... continue


Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier EN

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Gwyneth Shepherd's sophisticated, beautiful cousin Charlotte has been prepared her entire life for traveling through time. But unexpectedly, it is Gwyneth who in the middle of class takes a sudden spin to a different era! Gwyneth must now unearth the mystery of why her mother would lie about her birth date to ward off suspicion about her ability, brush up on her history, and work with Gideon--the time traveler from a similarly gifted family that passes the gene through its male line, and whose presence becomes, in time, less insufferable and more essential. Together, Gwyneth and Gideon journey... continue

Scris pe trup

Scris pe trup by Jeanette Winterson RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Traducere de Vali Florescu Cărțile scriitoarei britanice Jeanette Winterson sunt publicate în peste 35 de țări. „De ce măsura iubirii este pierderea ei?" Așa începe un roman frumos ca o scrisoare de dragoste, în care protagoniștii se caută, se găsesc într-o noapte ploioasă, se iubesc nebunește și în cele din urmă rătăcesc iremediabil drumul unul spre celălalt. Pe ea o cheamă Louise. Are păr prerafaelit și pielea albă ca laptele. Dar persoana pe care o iubește și care-i așterne pe hârtie povestea n-are nici nume, nici chip, nici sex. Însă dragostea nu cunoaște astfel de îngrădiri. E, așa cum de... continue


Şi dacă e adevărat ... by Marc Levy RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"Ce-o să-ţi spun nu e uşor de înţeles, e imposibil de admis, dar dacă ai vrea să-mi asculţi povestea…" Ce să crezi despre o femeie care-ţi alege dulapul din baie ca să-şi petreacă zilele în el? Care se miră că o poţi vedea? Care apare şi dispare brusc şi pretinde că este în comă profundă la celălalt capăt al oraşului? Pe ea trebuie să o duci la psihiatru, sau pe tine? Sau, dimpotrivă, trebuie să te laşi în voia acestei aventuri extravagante? Şi dacă este adevărat?… Dacă e adevărat că Arthur este singura persoană care poate împărţi ... continue


Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
"A true story of the woods, of the fae, and of the heart. Deep and green and wonderful.”—Naomi Novik There is a Wild Man who lives in the deep quiet of Greenhollow, and he listens to the wood. Tobias, tethered to the forest, does not dwell on his past life, but he lives a perfectly unremarkable existence with his cottage, his cat, and his dryads. When Greenhollow Hall acquires a handsome, intensely curious new owner in Henry Silver, everything changes. Old secrets better left buried are dug up, and Tobias is forced to reckon with his troubled past—both the green magic of the woods, and the dar... continue


Strait is the Gate by André Gide EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Jerome Palissier, a delicate boy, spends many summers at his uncle's house in Normandy, where the whole world seems steeped in azure. There he falls deeply in love with his cousin Alissa and she with him. But gradually Alissa becomes convinced that Jerome's love for her is endangering his soul.