Popular European Historical Fiction Books

Find historical fiction books written by authors from Europe for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (413)


Din vârful degetelor by Sarah Waters RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Sue Trinder este o orfana crescuta in cel mai rau famat cartier al Londrei. Cind Domnu, un escroc prieten de-al casei, ii face o propunere avantajoasa, Sue hotaraste sa conforme asteptarile celor care au ocrotit-o: nu trebuie decit sa cistige increderea unei domnisoare naive dintr-un conac de la tara si sa il ajute pe Domnu s-o cucereasca si sa puna mina pe averea ei. Dar dupa ce Sue ajunge sa o cunoasca pe victima inselaciunii planuite, evenimentele iau o turnura neasteptata... Un roman dickensian, plin de suspans si de rasturnari spectaculoase.


Don't Tell Me You're Afraid by Giuseppe Catozzella EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
Based on a remarkable true story, an unforgettable Somali girl risks her life on the migrant journey to Europe to run in the Olympic Games At eight years of age, Samia lives to run. She shares her dream with her best friend and neighbor, Ali, who appoints himself her "professional coach." Eight-year-old Ali trains her, times her, and pushes her to achieve her goals. For both children, Samia's running is the bright spot in their tumultuous life in Somalia. She is talented, brave, and determined to represent her country in the Olympic Games, just like her hero, the great Somali runner Mo Farah. ... continue


Doruntine by Ismail Kadare EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
...a magical parable of love, death and the power of familial bonds. -Stephen Salisbury, New York Times Book Review


Dram Shop by Émile Zola EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Focuses on the Paris taverns, presenting a tragedy of working-class people in slums. The work was influenced by theories of heredity/experimental science. The behaviour of the families is shown to be conditioned by environment/inherited characteristics, chiefly drunkenness and mental instability.


East of the West : A Country in Stories by Miroslav Penkov EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Bulgaria flag Bulgaria
Collects stories inspired by the author's native Bulgaria, including the tales of a grandson who tries to buy Lenin's corpse on eBay for his grandfather and a boy who meets a cousin every five years on the river that divides their village.


El nombre de la rosa by Umberto Eco ES

Rating: 4.5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
La novela emblemática de Umberto Eco. Una trama apasionante. Una admirable reconstrucción del conflictivo siglo XIV «Umberto Eco cambió nuestra mirada sobre los libros: imprescindibles, pequeños, frágiles, a veces criminales, casi siempre salvadores. Un maestro que nos enseñó a entrelazar la sabiduría y el juego con su estilo sagaz y lúdico, con su asombrosa inventiva y certera lucidez.» Irene Vallejo UNO DE LOS 100 TÍTULOS FUNDAMENTALES DEL SIGLO XX SEGÚN LE MONDE Valiéndose de las características de la novela gótica, la crónica medieval y la novela policíaca, El nombre de la rosa narra las i... continue


El palacio de los sueños by Ismaíl Kadaré ES

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
La construcción fabulosa de una especie de reino de la muerte, de un infierno en el que los sueños y el inconsciente colectivo son analizados y censurados, se convierte en una de las mejores alegorías del poder totalitario de Ismaíl Kadaré, así como uno de sus más perfectos logros narrativos. El joven Mark-Alem, vástago de los Quyprilli, influyente familia de procedencia albanesa, y promotora de importantes reformas en el seno del Imperio Otomano, consigue un atractivo puesto de funcionario en EL PALACIO DE LOS SUEÑOS, inquietante organismo estatal al que cada ciudadano está obligado a enviar ... continue


Emma by Jane Austen RO

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
„Jane Austen avea cel mai minunat dar din câte am întâlnit în a descrie implicaţiile, sentimentele şi caracterele din viaţa obişnuită. Rafinamentul cu care transformă personajele şi situaţiile din banale în interesante, tuşa de veridic pe care o imprimă descrierilor şi sentimentelor sunt lucruri la care eu nu pot decât să aspir.” – SIR WALTER SCOTT „Domnişoara Austen a înţeles perfect dimensiunea măruntă a vieţii... A fost o mare creatoare, egală – în mica ei sferă – cu Shakespeare…” – ALFRE... continue