Andorra flag Books from Andorra

8 popular andorran books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Europe Challenge" were written by authors from Andorra. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


El Andorrà : D'car Mo un Pastor d'Almeria Es Converteix en l'home Més Ric D'Andorra by Joaquín Abad CA

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Andorra flag Andorra
Un jove pastor d'un poble serrà de la província d'Almeria fuig després d'apunyalar a l'alcalde, un milicià al qual va sorprendre violant a la seva neboda, i es va refugiar a Andorra, on es va unir als pastors que feien de guies als espanyols que creuaven cap a França, fugint de la guerra civil, i després als jueus procedents de França que escapaven de la persecució nazi. Es van fer molt rics a força d'abandonar a alguns adinerats a la neu, lligats amb filferros i descalços, quedant-se els béns que portaven. L'Antonio Lao, amb els anys, es va convertir en l'empresari més important d'Andorra, pr... continue


The Mysterious Balloon Man by Albert Salvadó EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Andorra flag Andorra
As the 18th century ends and the 19th century begins, changes abound all over Europe. Absolute monarchy is coming to an end, England and Spain struggle for supremacy in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and France is in conflict with all its neighbours. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ocean, a new power is starting to emerge: the United States of America. In the midst of all these changes, Alfred Gordon, a civil servant employed by the British secret service, makes a discovery that will totally revolutionise global espionage. He realises that the nobility, the traditional spies, are in d... continue


The Phaeton Report by Albert Salvado EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Andorra flag Andorra
Winston Churchill said: the further we look into the past, the further we will see into the future. A famous writer knows in a party a man who tells her about USC (Universal Scientific Community), secret society created in times of Galileo Galilei that is dedicated to preserving the knowledge and the scientific truth against the attacks of the religions and official departments. In the middle of the feast the man mysteriously disappears and the writer discovers that nobody knows or has seen him. Surprised, the writer researches and locates a member of USC that gives him access to true and remo... continue


The Teacher of Cheops by Albert Salvado EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Andorra flag Andorra
This is the history of the time of Pharaoh Snefru and Queen Hetepheres, the parents of Cheops, who built the largest and most impressive pyramid of all. It is also the story of Sedum, a slave who became Cheops' teacher, the high priest Ramosi, and how the first pyramid came to be built. Sebekhotep, the great wise man of that time, said, "Everything is written in the stars. Most of us live our lives unaware of it. Some can read the stars and see their destiny. But very few people learn to write in the stars and change their destiny." Ramosi and Sedum learned to write in them and tried to change... continue


Una vida en juego by Albert Salvadó ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Andorra flag Andorra
Víctor Pons, un hombre de clase obrera, trabaja como jefe de seguridad del casino de La Rabassada, que se inauguraría en Barcelona en 1911. A partir de ese momento, Pons vivirá dos hechos trascendentales en su vida: se enamorará perdidamente de Carla Torr


Crime Historical Historical fiction Mystery Science fiction Thriller