Satire books set in United Kingdom (2)

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Manalive by G. K. Chesterton EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Light-hearted work introduces Innocent Smith, a bubbly, eccentric gentleman of questionable character, into the lives of a group of young disillusioned people -- and the result is inspired, high-spirited nonsense.


Brave New World by Aldous Huxley EN

Rating: 4 (6 votes)
The graphic novel adaptation of the classic dystopian masterpiece. From Fred Fordham, graphic novelist behind the sensational TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD graphic novel. Originally published in 1932, Brave New World is one of the most revered and profound works of twentieth century literature. Touching on themes of control, humanity, technology, and influence, Aldous Huxley's enduring classic is a reflection and a warning of the age in which it was written, yet remains frighteningly relevant today. With its surreal imagery and otherworldly backdrop, Brave New World adapts beautifully to the graphic n... continue