Young Adult books set in United Kingdom (24)

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Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson EN

Rating: 4 (8 votes)
'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest - Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!' All hands on deck for the swashbuckling adventure of a lifetime! Treasure Island has captivated children for decades and remains Robert Louis Stevenson's most famous book. With the legendary Long John Silver leading a mutinous pirate crew, children won't want to miss the boat on this classic tale of treasure and treachery.


Coraline by Neil Gaiman EN

Rating: 4 (11 votes)
In Coraline's family's new flat there's a locked door. On the other side is a brick wall—until Coraline unlocks the door . . . and finds a passage to another flat in another house just like her own. Only different. The food is better there. Books have pictures that writhe and crawl and shimmer. And there's another mother and father there who want Coraline to be their little girl. They want to change her and keep her with them. . . . Forever. Coraline is an extraordinary fairy tale/nightmare from the uniquely skewed imagination of #1 New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman.


Watership Down by Richard Adams EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
An allegorical tale of survival in which a band of wild rabbits leave their ancestral home to build a more humane society


Heartstopper #5: A Graphic Novel by Alice Oseman EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
*Now an acclaimed live-action Netflix series!* Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. The bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel about life, love, and everything that happens in between: this is the fifth volume of the much-loved HEARTSTOPPER series, featuring gorgeous two-color artwork. Nick and Charlie are very much in love. They've finally said those three little words, and Charlie has almost persuaded his mum to let him sleep over at Nick's house... but with Nick going off to university next year, is everything about to change? By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Hearts... continue


Heartstopper by Alice Oseman EN

Rating: 4 (10 votes)
Tegneserie - graphic novel. Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. An LGBT about life, love, and everything that happens in between. Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met - until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realized. Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness


The Blue Book of Nebo by Manon Steffan Ros EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Shortlisted for the Yoto Carnegie Medal for Writing 2023 Dylan was six when The End came, back in 2018; when the electricity went off for good, and the ‘normal’ 21st-century world he knew disappeared. Now he’s 14 and he and his mam have survived in their isolated hilltop house above the village of Nebo in north-west Wales, learning new skills, and returning to old ways of living. Despite their close understanding, the relationship between mother and son changes subtly as Dylan must take on adult responsibilities. And they each have their own secrets, which emerge as, in tu... continue


The Society for Soulless Girls by Laura Steven EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A dark academia thriller romance with a supernatural twist. From the winner of the Comedy Women in Print Prize 'An intimate exploration of women's anger, bladed with mystery and sapphic desire. Laura Steven has cut a modern Gothic gem, leaving room for glints of her trademark humour' - Samantha Shannon Ten years ago, four students lost their lives in the infamous North Tower murders at the elite Carvell College of Arts, forcing Carvell to close its doors. Now Carvell is reopening, and fearless student Lottie is determined to find out what really happened. But when her roommate, Alice, stumbles... continue


Glasgow Boys by Margaret McDonald EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
But his anger and fear keep boiling over, threatening his already uncertain future.Underpinning everything is what happened three years ago in their group care home, when Finlay and Banjo were as close as brothers until they stopped speaking.[Bokinfo].


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, Book 1) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 4 (6 votes)
Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility. All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years. But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredi... continue


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, Book 2) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 5 (4 votes)
The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he's packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby who says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike. And strike it does. For in Harry's second year at Hogwarts, fresh torments and horrors arise, including an outrageously stuck-up new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, a spirit named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' bathroom, and the unwanted attentions of Ron Weasley's younge... continue


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, Book 3) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
For twelve long years, the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Now he has escaped, leaving only two clues as to where he might be headed: Harry Potter's defeat of You-Know-Who was Black's downfall as well. And the Azkaban guards heard Black muttering in his sleep, "He's at Hogwarts... he's at Hogwarts." Harry Potter isn't safe, not even within the walls of his magical school, surrounded by his friends. Because on top of it all, there may... continue


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, Book 4) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the mysterious event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. Unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in this case, different can be deadly.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, Book 5) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 5 (3 votes)
There is a door at the end of a silent corridor. And it's haunting Harry Potter's dreams. Why else would he be waking in the middle of the night, screaming in terror? It's not just the upcoming O.W.L. exams; a new teacher with a personality like poisoned honey; a venomous, disgruntled house-elf; or even the growing threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Now Harry Potter is faced with the unreliability of the very government of the magical world and the impotence of the authorities at Hogwarts. Despite this (or perhaps because of it), he finds depth and strength in his friends, beyond what even he... continue


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, Book 6) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The war against Voldemort is not going well; even Muggle governments are noticing. Ron scans the obituary pages of the Daily Prophet, looking for familiar names. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for long stretches of time, and the Order of the Phoenix has already suffered losses. And yet... As in all wars, life goes on. Sixth-year students learn to Apparate - and lose a few eyebrows in the process. The Weasley twins expand their business. Teenagers flirt and fight and fall in love. Classes are never straightforward, though Harry receives some extraordinary help from the mysterious Half-Blood... continue


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, Book 7) by J. K. Rowling EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of Harry Potter.


Die Schatzinsel by Robert Louis Stevenson DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Jim Hawkins ist gerade 15 Jahre alt, als er sich auf ein gefährliches Abenteuer einlässt: die Suche nach dem Schatz eines berüchtigten Piraten. - Ein klassischer Abenteuerroman von 1883.


The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
David is funny and quirky and has always felt different from other people - but he also has a huge secret that only his two best friends know. Ever since he can remember, he has felt like a girl trapped in the body of a boy.


Black Swan Green by David Mitchell EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
The dazzling novel from critically-acclaimed David Mitchell. Shortlisted for the 2006 Costa Novel Award Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2006 January, 1982. Thirteen-year-old Jason Taylor - covert stammerer and reluctant poet - anticipates a stultifying year in his backwater English village. But he hasn't reckoned with bullies, simmering family discord, the Falklands War, a threatened gypsy invasion and those mysterious entities known as girls. Charting thirteen months in the black hole between childhood and adolescence, this is a captivating novel, wry, painful and vibrant with the stuff o... continue


A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES—COMING SOON TO NETFLIX! • This is the story about an investigation turned obsession, full of twists and turns and with an ending you'll never expect. Everyone in Fairview knows the story. Pretty and popular high school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk about. And five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her town. But she can't shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so k... continue


Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES—A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER NOW ON NETFLIX! • More dark secrets are exposed in this addictive, true-crime fueled sequel when Pip finds herself in another deadly case. Pip is not a detective anymore. With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year. The podcast has gone viral, yet Pip insists her investigating days are behind her. But she will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing. Jamie Reynolds has disappeared, on the very same night the town host... continue


As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson EN

0 Ratings
THE THIRD AND FINAL THRILLING BOOK IN THE BESTSELLING AND AWARD-WINNING A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER TRILOGY. Soon to be a major BBC series! A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is The New York Times No.1 bestselling YA crime thriller and WINNER of The British Book Awards' Children's Book of the Year 2020 and shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2020 Pip Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the way her last investigation ended. Soon she'll be leaving for Cambridge University but then another case finds her . . . and this time it's all about Pip. Pip is used to online death threats, but there's ... continue


Kill Joy by Holly Jackson EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)


Afterlove by Tanya Byrne EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
THE LESBIAN LOVE STORY YOU'VE BEEN DYING TO READ. Ash Persaud is about to become a reaper in the afterlife, but she is determined to see her first love Poppy Morgan again, the only thing that separates them is death. Car headlights.The last thing Ash hears is the snap of breaking glass as the windscreen hits her and breaks into a million pieces like stars. But she made it, she's still here. Or is she? This New Year's Eve, Ash gets an invitation from the afterlife she can't decline: to join a clan of fierce girl reapers who take the souls of the city's dead to await their fate. But Ash can't fo... continue


This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn by Aidan Chambers EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Using a pillow book as her form, nineteen-year-old Cordelia Kenn sets out to write out her life for her unborn daughter. What emerges is a portrait of an extraordinary girl, who writes frankly of love, sex, poetry, nature, faith, and of herself in the world. Her thoughts range widely: on Shakespeare and breasts, periods and piano playing, friendship and trees, consciousness and sleep, and much more besides. As she writes of William Blacklin, the boy she chooses as her first lover, or Julie, the teacher who encourages her spiritual life, Cordelia maddens, fascinates, and ultimately seduces the ... continue