Books written by female authors (3181)


Voyager : The Constellations of Memory by Nona Fernandez EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
One of the world's foremost spots for astronomical observation, the Atacama Desert in Chile is also where, in October 1973, twenty-six people were executed by Pinochet's Caravan of Death. Decades on, a petition gathers for a constellation's stars to be dedicated to them. Nona Fernández is made a god-mother to Mario Argüelles Toro, star HD89353, and asked to write a message to his family. When her own mother begins to suffer from fainting spells, Fernández accompanies her to neurological examinations. There, the mapping of her mother's brain activity - groups of neurons glowing and sparking on ... continue


Voyons voir by Jamaica Kincaid FR

0 Ratings
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Jacqueline Huet et Jean-Pierre Carasso. " Voyons voir où en étaient alors Mrs. Sweet et Mr. Sweet : la voix de son épouse irritait Mr. Sweet, surtout sa sonorité; ce n'était pas une soprano, c'était sa femme, aussi banale qu'un poisson ou une viande ou des légumes dans son assiette pour le dîner, ou que le facteur qui apportait les factures de l'eau, du gaz, de l'électricité, du téléphone et du fuel. " Mr. Sweet quitte Mrs. Sweet. Dans un même élan de rage, tous deux entreprennent l'autopsie de leur mariage : failles, trahisons, détails insupportables du q... continue

Vrije Radicalen

Vrije Radicalen by Carolina Trujillo NL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Wat hebben een straatjongetje uit Uruguay en een aanslag op de Miljonair Fair met elkaar te maken? De Uruguayaan Jaime Castro, die als jongen naar Nederland is geëmigreerd, vertelt ons zijn verhaal met de humor van een man die niets meer te verliezen heeft. Hij is geslaagd als verslaggever maar mislukt als mens: hij is bang voor zijn telefoon, voor de buren en voor de spinazie op zijn bord. Hij wou dat hij zo moedig was als Gastón, zijn jeugdvriend uit Uruguay, vuurspuwer van beroep en strijder uit overtuiging. Gastón saboteert fabrieken en bevrijdt paarden uit veewagons. Hij vecht tegen de vi... continue


Während die Welt schlief by Susan Abulhawa DE

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Kuwait flag Kuwait
Jenin im Blumenmonat April: Frühmorgens, bevor die Welt um sie herum erwacht, liest Amals Vater ihr aus den Werken großer Dichter vor. Es sind Momente des Friedens und des Glücks, die Amal ihr Leben lang im Herzen trägt — ein Leben, das im Flüchtlingslager beginnt, nach Amerika führt und dennoch stets geprägt ist vom scheinbar ausweglosen Konflikt zwischen Israel und Palästina. Über vier Generationen erzählt Susan Abulhawa eine tief berührende Geschichte über den Verlust der Heimat, eine zerrissene Familie und die immerwährende Hoffnung auf Versöhnung.


Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, Sondra Silverston EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Israel flag Israel
A neurosurgeon runs an illegal immigrant over in his car. There are no witnesses, and the man will die in any case-so why endanger his career and report the accident? But the next day, the victim's wife knocks on the doctor's door and makes him an offer which will completely derail his well-ordered life. How would we have acted in the same situation? This question hovers over this compelling and timely novel by an award-winning author, which masterfully explores the boundary between love and hate, guilt and forgiveness, good and evil.


Walk Through Walls : A Memoir by Marina Abramovic EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Serbia flag Serbia
“I had experienced absolute freedom—I had felt that my body was without boundaries, limitless; that pain didn’t matter, that nothing mattered at all—and it intoxicated me.” In 2010, more than 750,000 people stood in line at Marina Abramović’s MoMA retrospective for the chance to sit across from her and communicate with her nonverbally in an unprecedented durational performance that lasted more than 700 hours. This celebration of nearly fifty years of groundbreaking performance art demonstrated once again that Marina Abramović is truly a force of nature. The child of Communist war-hero parents ... continue


Walker on Water by Kristiina Ehin EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Estonia flag Estonia
A woman cultivates a knack for walking on water, but is undermined by her husband's brain, which he removes each night when he returns home from work; a couple overcomes the irksome mischief of the gods; a skeptical dragon wonders what sex is all about: this is the world of Kristiina Ehin. From the 2007 British Poetry Society Popescu prize winner for European poetry in translation: a series of comic, surreal adventures. Kristiina Ehin's quirky voice takes each story directly from the dream state, at times stubborn and resistant, at other times masochistically compliant. Ehin offers up modern f... continue


Walking Practice : A Novel by Dolki Min EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
"The mere act of walking on the Earth is a challenge for our most unusual protagonist -- a shapeshifting, gender-bending alien. After crashing their spacecraft in the middle of nowhere, they find themself stranded on an unfamiliar planet, where gravity is a disabling force. They'll need to practice walking in the Earth's atmosphere to survive. And what better way to practice than hunt delicious humans? They chooses their prey, shifts their gender, appearance, and conduct based on the prey's sexual preference, only to attack at the pivotal moment of their encounter. They has found ways to adapt... continue


Wangari's Trees of Peace : A True Story from Africa by Jeanette Winter EN

0 Ratings
This true story of Wangari Maathai, environmentalist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is a shining example of how one woman's passion, vision, and determination inspired great change.


War Brothers : The Graphic Novel by Sharon E. McKay, Daniel Lafrance EN

0 Ratings
Portrays the criminality of adults who abduct kids to carry out crimes against humanity.