Books set in Greece (53)

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Eleni by Nicholas Gage EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
In 1948, as civil war ravaged Greece, children were abducted and sent to communist "camps" inside the Iron Curtain. Eleni Gatzoyiannis, forty-one, defied the traditions of her small village and the terror of the communist insurgents to arrange for the escape of her three daughters and her son, Nicola. For that act, she was imprisoned, tortured, and executed in cold blood. Nicholas Gage joined his father in Massachusetts at the age of nine and grew up to become a top New York Times investigative reporter, honing his skills with one thought in mind: to return to Greece and uncover the one story ... continue


Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe DE

Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Den store tragedien om alkymisten og filosofen Faust er en av hjørnesteinenei tysk - og europeisk - litteratur. Det sentrale motivet er pakten Faust har inngått med djevelen: Faust skal få hjelp til å nå alle sine mål, men han skal miste sin sjel til det onde dersom han fristes til å holde fast ved øyeblikket og glemmer sin sannhetssøken og streben etter erkjennelse.


Homo faber by Max Frisch DE

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Switzerland flag Switzerland
Der rationalitätsgläubige Techniker Faber muß kurz vor seinem Tod erfahren, daß seine Weltorientierung nicht ausreicht, um menschliche Schuld und schicksalshaftem Zufall zu entgehen.


Homo Faber : A Report by Max Frisch EN

Rating: 1 (4 votes)
Country: Europe / Switzerland flag Switzerland
Loneliness and despair invade the world of an engineer who comes to realize that he has failed as a friend, husband, and father.

Infamias cotidianas


Kassandra by Christa Wolf DE

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Poland flag Poland
Kassandra, die äSeherinä, ist die schillerndste Frauenfigur der griechischen Mythologie. Sie sagte dem übermächtigen Troja den Untergang voraus und musste ihre Prophezeiung mit dem Leben bezahlen.


L'Odyssée by Homer FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
La guerre de Troie est terminée depuis dix ans, mais Ulysse n'est toujours pas rentré chez lui. Poursuivi par la haine de Poséidon, il erre à travers les mers avec ses compagnons. Sur son chemin, il affronte toutes sortes d'épreuves : terribles tempêtes, sirènes ensorceleuses et sanguinaires cyclopes. Le héros aux mille ruses réussira-t-il à regagner le rivage d'Ithaque et à retrouver Pénélope, son épouse ? Des questionnaires progressifs de compréhension et d'analyse du texte ; Des exercices de lecture d'images ; Des exercices de vocabulaire à partir de champs lexicaux ; Des travaux d'écriture... continue


La señora Kula by Menis Kumandareas ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
"Un joven seductor y una mujer madura y casada, que coinciden cada día en el mismo vagón del metro, comienzan a vivir su idilio amoroso en la Atenas gris de los años setenta, en busca de una felicidad cotidiana que la vida les ha hurtado."--Back cover.