Books written by male authors (3557)


Heartbreak Tango by Manuel Puig EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Awash in small-town gossip, petty jealousy, and intrigues, Manuel Puig's Heartbreak Tango is a comedic assault on the fault lines between the disappointments of the everyday world, and the impossible promises of commercials, pop songs, and movies. This melancholy and hilarious tango concerns the many women in orbit around Juan Carlos Etchepare, an impossibly beautiful Lothario wasting away ever-so-slowly from consumption, while those who loved and were spurned by him move on into workaday lives and unhappy marriages. Part elegy, part melodrama, and part dirty joke, this wicked and charming nov... continue


Heaven and Hell by Jón Kalman Stefánsson EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Iceland flag Iceland
In a remote part of Iceland, a boy and his friend Barður join a boat to fish for cod. A winter storm surprises them out at sea and Barður, who has forgotten his waterproof as he was too absorbed in 'Paradise Lost', succumbs to the ferocious cold and dies. Appalled by the death and by the fishermen's callous ability to set about gutting the fatal catch, the boy leaves the village, intending to return the book to its owner. The extreme hardship and danger of the journey is of little consequence to him - he has already resolved to join his friend in death. But once in the town he immerses himself... continue


Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
Ibsen's great social drama of a caged woman in the late 19th century explores her tormented desire for escape and her yearning for individual and spiritual freedom. Plays for Performance Series.


Hello? Is Anybody There? by Jostein Gaarder, James Anderson EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Norway flag Norway
While waiting for the birth of his baby brother, Joe is visited by a strange child from another planet, and the two discover that they, and their planets, share many similarities as well as differences.


Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Family relationships are at the center of Henry IV, Part 1. King Henry IV and Prince Hal form one major father-son pair, with Henry in despair because Hal lives a dissolute life. The father-son pair of Hotspur (Lord Henry Percy) and his father, the Earl of Northumberland, is in seeming contrast; the king envies Northumberland “his Harry,” wishing he could claim the gallant Hotspur as his own. Meanwhile, Hal has entered into a quasi-father-son relationship with a disreputable but amusing knight, Sir John Falstaff. Another strand of action centers on still more family relationships. Hotspur’s st... continue


Henry IV, Part 2 by William Shakespeare EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Henry IV, Part 2 is the only Shakespeare play that is a “sequel,” in the modern sense, to an earlier play of his. Like most sequels, it repeats many elements from the previous work, Henry IV, Part 1. This play again puts on stage Henry IV’s son, Prince Hal, who continues to conceal his potential greatness by consorting with tavern dwellers, including the witty Sir John Falstaff. As in Part 1, Prince Hal and Falstaff seek to best each other in conversation, while Falstaff tries to ingratiate himself with Hal and Hal disdains him. Part 2 adds some fresh characters, the rural justices Shallow and... continue


Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
'My whole life I've avoided mirrors because I didn't really like what they had to show me, but today is different. Because I look at my reflection and don't hate myself right away.' Felipe doesn't believe someone like Caio could ever fall for someone like him. But over the next fifteen days, everything will change ...


Heredero by Costa Alcalá ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Antes de la Revolución había diez Familias, una para cada Poder. Ahora solo quedan ocho. Aura desapareció. De Dominio, la Familia Imperial, solo queda un mal recuerdo. Casi veinte años después, los estudiantes del Liceo de la Guardia de Blyd se entrenan para proteger con su magia a una sociedad que hace años que vive en paz. Pero cuando la sombra de Dominio vuelve a sobrevolar el país, un grupo de estudiantes tendrá que enfrentarse a los secretos del pasado… sin revelar los suyos.


Hermanos de alma by David Diop ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La desgarradora historia de un soldado senegalés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Alfa Ndiaye es senegalés y ha acabado combatiendo con el ejército francés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el mismo regimiento también lucha su amigo Mademba Diop, que es herido de gravedad en el frente. Cuando Mademba le pide que lo mate para evitar sufrimientos inútiles, Alfa se siente incapaz de cumplir su deseo. Ansioso por vengar la muerte de su compañero, cada noche se desliza con sigilo hacia las posiciones enemigas, elige a un soldado cuidándose de no ser descubierto, cla... continue


Herr der Krähen by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Kenya flag Kenya
Ngugi wa Thiong'o wurde 1938 als Sohn einer Bauernfamilie in Kamirithu/Limuru in Kenia geboren. 1967 wurde er Dozent für Literatur an der University of Nairobi, wo er bis 1977 lehrte. Wegen seiner kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem postkolonialen Kenia und eines regierungskritischen Theaterstücks wurde er 1977 ohne Anklage inhaftiert und erst nach einer Kampagne von Amnesty International ein Jahr später aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Nachdem sein Leben unter dem Regime von Daniel arap Moi bedroht wurde, ging er 1982 ins Exil nach London. 1989 übersiedelte er in die USA, wo er heute an der Uni... continue