Books written by male authors (3467)

Älä koskaan pyyhi kyyneleitä paljain käsin – 3. Kuolema

Älä koskaan pyyhi kyyneleitä paljain käsin. 3. Kuolema by Jonas Gardell FI

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
Katkerienkin kyynelten läpi voi hetkisen hymyillä. Ensin oli rakkaus, sitten tuli sairaus, lopuksi on vain kuolema. Jonas Gardellin ylistetyn romaanitrilogian päätösosa 1980-luvun aids-epidemiasta Tukholmassa. He olivat niin nuoria, heillä oli elämä edessään ja yhtäkkiä kaikki oli ohi. He istuivat kerta toisensa jälkeen hautajaisissa, ja aina heitä oli yksi vähemmän paikalla. Mutta kävi onneksi myös niin, että Paulin hautajaisissa kaikilla oli murheen keskellä kerrankin hauskaa. Paulin itse käsikirjoittamistaan hautajaisista sukeutuu karnevaali, joka saa lukijankin nauramaan kyyneleet silmissä... continue


Alamut by Vladimir Bartol EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Slovenia flag Slovenia
Alamut takes place in 11th Century Persia, in the fortress of Alamut, where self-proclaimed prophet Hasan ibn Sabbah is setting up his mad but brilliant plan to rule the region with a handful of elite fighters who are to become his "living daggers." By creating a virtual paradise at Alamut, filled with beautiful women, lush gardens, wine and hashish, Sabbah is able to convince his young fighters that they can reach paradise if they follow his commands. With parallels to Osama bin Laden, Alamut tells the story of how Sabbah was able to instill fear into the ruling class by creating a small army... continue


Alchimistul by Paulo Coelho RO

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
O data la cateva decenii, apare o carte care schimba pentru totdeauna viata cititorilor sai. Alchimistul lui Paulo Coelho este o astfel de carte. Singura noastra obligatie este sa ne realizam destinul. Extraordinarul roman al lui Paulo Coelho a inspirat milioane de cititori din intreaga lume. Aceasta poveste, uluitoare in simplitatea si intelepciunea ei, este despre un pastor andaluz pe nume Santiago care isi paraseste casa din Spania, aventurandu-se in Africa de Nord in cautarea unei comori ingropate in Piramide. Pe drum intalneste o tiganca tanara si frumoasa, un barbat care isi spune rege s... continue


Alergînd ca apucaţii by Augusten Burroughs RO

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
Alergînd ca apucații este povestea adevărată a unui băiat lăsat de mamă (o poetă cu mania grandorii și alte probleme psihice mult mai grave) în grija psihiatrului ei, un ins cu metode foarte neortodoxe. La vârsta de doisprezece ani, Burroughs se trezește într-o casă victoriană dărăpănată, locuind cu bizară familie a doctorului și împrietenindu-se cu un pedofil care își are reședința în șopronul din spatele casei. Ceea ce urmează este o existența total eliberată de orice reguli, în care pomul de Crăciun rămâne împodobit tot anul, pasti... continue


Alex by Pierre Lemaitre FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Alex, une jeune femme de 35 ans, belle et attirante, essaie des perruques dans un magasin du boulevard de Strasbourg. Quelques heures plus tard, elle est enlevée par un inconnu qui la suivait, jetée dans une camionnette et séquestrée dans un hangar désaffecté. Le ravisseur a organisé sur place un théâtre de tortures qu'elle va subir jusqu'à l'horreur. Alex parvient à se libérer avant que la police ne la retrouve, et n'identifie son tortionnaire, suicidé sur le périphérique. Dès lors, l'énigme d'Alex et de son passé ne peut plus lâcher le lecteur, qui la découvre du point de vue de la victime e... continue


Alexander the Great : A Novel by Nikos Kazantzakis EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
The career of Alexander the Great, from age 15, to his death is portrayed in a very realistic, exciting fashion instead of the usual romanticized version.


Alexander the Great : Lessons from History's Undefeated General by Bill Yenne EN

0 Ratings
When the Oracle of Delphi told Alexander the Great that he was invincible, it was right. The son of the great King Philip II of Macedonia, Alexander was educated by Aristotle and commanded a wing of his father's army in the victory over the Thebans and Athenians at the Battle of Chaeronea—all when he was still just a teenager. By the time of his death at age 32, he had amassed an empire that stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River and included all of Persia and most of Egypt. He ruled as both the shah of Persia and as a pharaoh of Egypt by right of conquest, and he was also crowned ... continue


Ali and Nino : A Love Story by Kurban Said EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Country: Asia / Azerbaijan flag Azerbaijan
A reprint of a love story of two childhood friends, a Muslim warrior and a Christian girl, during the Russian Revolution. Set on the Caspian Sea, the novel symbolizes the clash of cultures between East and West. It was first published in German in 1937.


Alias Anna : A True Story of Outwitting the Nazis by Susan Hood, Greg Dawson EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
The moving true story of how young Ukrainian Jewish piano prodigies Zhanna (alias "Anna") and her sister Frina outplayed their pursuers while hiding in plain sight during the Holocaust. A middle grade nonfiction novel-in-verse by award-winning author Susan Hood with Greg Dawson (Zhanna's son). She wouldn't be Zhanna. She'd use an alias. A for Anna. A for alive. When the Germans invade Ukraine, Zhanna, a young Jewish girl, must leave behind her friends, her freedom, and her promising musical future at the world's top conservatory. With no time to say goodbye, Zhanna, her sister Frina, and their... continue