Books written by male authors (3467)


Utopia for Realists : How We Can Build the Ideal World by Rutger Bregman EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
Universal basic income. A 15-hour workweek. Open borders. Does it sound too good to be true? One of Europe's leading young thinkers shows how we can build an ideal world today. "A more politically radical Malcolm Gladwell." --New York Times After working all day at jobs we often dislike, we buy things we don't need. Rutger Bregman, a Dutch historian, reminds us it needn't be this way-and in some places it isn't. Rutger Bregman's TED Talk about universal basic income seemed impossibly radical when he delivered it in 2014. A quarter of a million views later, the subject of that video is being se... continue


Vaak ben ik gelukkig by Jens Christian Grøndahl NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Denmark flag Denmark
Ellinor en haar man Henning zijn goed bevriend met Anna en Georg. Maar alles verandert wanneer de twee stellen op skivakantie gaan en Anna en Henning omkomen in een lawine. Hun echtgenoten blijven alleen achter. In hun verdriet trekken Elli en Georg steeds meer naar elkaar toe, maar kunnen twee mensen zomaar opnieuw beginnen? Pas wanneer Georg jaren later overlijdt en Elli helemaal alleen achterblijft, durft ze het verleden onder ogen te komen – een verleden dat meer ontsluit dan rouw en verraad. 'Vaak ben ik gelukkig' is een aangrijpende roman over liefde, huwelijk en vrien... continue


Valley of Ashes : by Aḥmad Ibrāhīm Faqīh EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Libya flag Libya
A poetic coming of age story by one of the leading contemporary writers of the Arab world, "Valley of Ashes" is the story of a free-thinking woman's clash, and eventual reconcilliation with the traditions and values of her desert village community.


Vălul pictat by William Somerset Maugham RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Frumoasa Kitty Fane este surprinsa cu alt barbat de sotul ei, un renumit medic bacteriolog pe care-l insoteste in China coloniala. Acesta o va lua cu el intr-o zona devastata de holera, unde medicul incearca sa combata efectele teribilei maladii. O calatorie in timpul careia tanara femeie se va confrunta cu aspecte ale vietii ce-i fusesera total necunoscute pana atunci, ajungand astfel sa se descopere pe sine insasi, dar si pe cel ce-i este tovaras de viata. Romanul a fost transpus cinematografic in 1934, Greta Garbo intruchipand‑o pe Kitty Fane. Noua ecranizare, din 2006, ii are in roluril... continue


Vamos Comprar Um Poeta by Afonso Cruz PT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Numa sociedade dominada pelo materialismo, as famílias têm artistas em vez de animais de estimação. É nesse cenário, onde cada espaço tem um patrocinador, cada passo é medido com exatidão, e até a troca dos afetos é contabilizada, que uma menina pede ao pai um poeta. Com humor e leveza, Afonso Cruz conduz uma narrativa para fazer pensar sobre o utilitarismo e o papel da arte em um mundo onde tudo precisa ser mensurado.


Vara de neuitat : Plaja by Cesare Pavese RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Italy flag Italy
Roman al descoperirii orasului si societatii, Vara de neuitat (1949) are in centru povestea inocentei pierdute a unei orfane, Ginia, o adolescenta de aproape 17 ani care locuieste cu fratele ei, Severino, si lucreaza intr-un atelier de croitorie. Fascinata de Amelia, o tinara de 20 de ani, prostituata care pretinde ca isi cistiga traiul pozind nud pentru pictori, Ginia traieste indoieli, atractia fructului oprit, sentimente contrastante in fata vertijului vietii de adult. Frumusetea cartii sta tocmai in firescul si simplitatea cu care Pavese surprinde nuantele si tresaririle entuziasmului juve... continue