Books set in Mauritius (10)

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Blue Bay Palace by Nathacha Appanah-Mouriquand EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
Exposing the extremes of life in a developing country, this novel of doomed love shows how poverty, class divisions, and ramshackle housing become even harder to bear when luxurious resorts and rich tourists arrive on the scene. Growing up on the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean, lonely young Maya hopes that someday she might escape her poverty and find happiness in the desirable housing developments near the new hotels. When she falls in love with a man from a well-to-do family, she believes that her dream is within reach, but her hopes are shattered when her lover is too weak to defy... continue


Die Stille von Chagos by Shenaz Patel DE

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
While Charlesia longs for her homeland of Diego Garcia, Désiré, the young man who might be her son, begins to uncover the secrets of his parents and their past. This novel tells the story of the Chagossians, their deportation, and their uprooted lives in Mauritius since Diego Garcia became an American military base.


El cielo sobre el tejado by Nathacha Appanah ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
Flavie Philipon, Elle Lobo tiene diecisiete años y está siendo trasladado en un furgón de policía a un centro penitenciario para menores por haber provocado un accidente de tráfico: cogió el coche de su madre y condujo durante horas sin tener carnet para reencontrarse con Paloma, su hermana mayor, a la que hace más de diez años que no ve. Cuando se aproximaba a su destino, Lobo se puso nervioso, entró por una calle de sentido contrario y chocó contra otro coche, hiriendo a dos personas. El relato emotivo de ese proyecto de r... continue


Kaya Days by Carl de Souza EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
"Set in Mauritius during the uprising following the death of the Mauritian musician Kaya, Kaya Days tells the story of a young woman's daylong search for her younger brother who has gone missing"--


La cuarentena by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Corre el año 1872 cuando en una taberna parisiense irrumpe desafiante el poeta Arthur Rimbaud y amenaza a la clientela. Diecinueve años después, Jacques Archambau, un joven médico que de niño asistió atónito a la tormentosa escena y que ignora cuán ligado se halla su destino al del célebre poeta, embarca en el Ava con su esposa Suzanne y su hermano Léon rumbo a la isla Mauricio, su tierra natal. Allí les espera el gran clan familiar que antaño expulsara al padre de Jacques y Léon. Sin embargo, tras declararse dos casos de cólera en el barco, los pasajeros -un puñado de europeos y multitud de i... continue


Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger by Soraya Chemaly EN

0 Ratings
***A BEST BOOK OF 2018 SELECTION*** NPR * The Washington Post * Book Riot * Autostraddle * Psychology Today ***A BEST FEMINIST BOOK SELECTION*** Refinery 29, Book Riot, Autostraddle, BITCH Rage Becomes Her is an “utterly eye opening” (Bustle) book that gives voice to the causes, expressions, and possibilities of female rage. As women, we’ve been urged for so long to bottle up our anger, letting it corrode our bodies and minds in ways we don’t even realize. Yet there are so, so many legitimate reasons for us to feel angry, ranging from blatant, horrifying acts of misogyny to the subtle drip, dr... continue


Riambel by Priya Hein EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
Fifteen-year-old Noemi has no choice but to leave school and work in the house of the wealthy De Grandbourg family. Just across the road from the slums where she grew up, she encounters a world that is starkly different from her own - yet one which would have been all too familiar to her ancestors. Bewitched by a pair of green eyes and haunted by echoes, her life begins to mirror those of girls who have gone before her. Within Noemi's lament is also the herstory of Mauritius; the story of women who have resisted arrest, of teachers who care for their poorest pupils and encourage them to challe... continue


The Last Brother by Nathacha Appanah EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mauritius flag Mauritius
Raj is oblivious to the Second World War being fought beyond his tiny exotic island. His mother is his sole company while his father works as a prison guard, so the boy thinks only of making friends. One day, from the far-away world, a ship brings to the island Jewish exiles who have been refused entry to Israel. David, a recently orphaned boy of his own age from Prague, becomes the friend that he has longed for, and Raj takes it upon himself to help David to escape from the prison. As they flee through sub-tropical forests and devastating storms, the boys battle hunger and malaria - and forge... continue