Books set in Sierra Leone (6)

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Britons Through Negro Spectacles by Merriman-Labor EN

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'We shall therefore confine our walk to Central London where people meet on business during the day, and to West London where they meet for pleasure at night. If you will walk about the first City in the British Empire arm in arm with Merriman-Labor, you are sure to see Britons in merriment and at labour, by night and by day, in West and Central London.' In Britons Through Negro Spectacles Merriman-Labor takes us on a joyous, intoxicating tour of London at the turn of the 20th century. Slyly subverting the colonial gaze usually placed on Africa, he introduces us to the citizens, culture and cu... continue


Collection of Poems by Samuella J Conteh EN

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Love Colours is a collection of poems mostly submitted for poetry contests on given themes and different poetry forms. Many of the poems featured in the collection are winning poems that have been featured in anthologies which are currently available on Amazon. Some of the anthologies that feature my poems from these contests are as follows: Eternally, Stairway to Heaven, Modern Poets, Sending Love to Mom, Bowl of Peace, Amazing Minds and Reminiscing Summer. Love Colours which is my first collection, was borne out of a desire to bring my scattered pieces under one collection.


Little Family by Ishmael Beah EN

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From the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of A Long Way Gone. A powerful novel about young people living at the margins of society, struggling to replace the homes they have lost with the one they have created together. Hidden away from a harsh outside world, five young people have improvised a home in an abandoned airplane, a relic of their country’s tumultuous past. Elimane, the bookworm, is as street-smart as he is wise. Clever Khoudiemata maneuvers to keep the younger kids—athletic, pragmatic Ndevui, thoughtful Kpindi, and especially their newest member, Namsa—safe and fed. When Eliman... continue


The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene EN

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WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JAMES WOOD Scobie, a police officer serving in a war-time West African state, is distrusted, being scrupulously honest and immune to bribery. But then he falls in love, and in doing so he is forced to betray everything he believes in, with drastic and tragic consequences.


Un largo camino : Memorias de un niño soldado by Ishmael Beah ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Así es como se libran ahora las guerras: con niños traumatizados, drogados y empuñando AK-47. Los niños se han convertido en los mejores soldados. En los más de cincuenta conflictos violentos que existen actualmente en el mundo, se cree que hay más de 300,000 niños soldado. Ishmael Beah fue uno de ellos.