Book type: fiction (6541)


Glennkill by Leonie Swann DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Leblos liegt der Schäfer George Glenn im irischen Gras, ein Spaten ragt aus seiner Brust. Die Schafe von George sind entsetzt: Wer kann den alten Schäfer umgebracht haben? Und warum? Miss Maple, das klügste Schaf der Herde, beginnt sich für den Fall zu interessieren. Glücklicherweise hat George seinen Schafen vorgelesen, und so trifft sie das kriminalistische Problem nicht ganz unvorbereitet. Unerbittlisch folgen sie der Spur des Täters und kommen den Gehimnissen der Menschenwelt dabei nach und nach auf die Schliche--bis es ihnen schließlich gelingt, Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen und den rätselh... continue


Glittering City by Cyprian Ekwensi EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Nigeria flag Nigeria
'"Forget all your fears now. Have a fling this night"' Untrustworthy, charming Fussy Joe spins stories and breaks hearts in this rollicking story set in the 'sensational city' of 1960s Lagos. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fa... continue

Gloed / druk 36

Gloed / druk 36 by Sándor Márai NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Slovakia flag Slovakia
Als twee jeugdvrienden elkaar na veertig jaar weer ontmoeten, blijkt dat zich destijds een tragedie tussen hen heeft afgespeeld met betrekking tot de vrouw van een van hen.


Glorious Exploits : A Novel by Ferdia Lennon EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Ireland flag Ireland
Part Waiting for Godot, part O Brother, Where Art Thou, and completely original, Glorious Exploits is a celebration of the things that bind humanity across battle lines and history, and an ode to the redemptive power of storytelling. Set in Syracuse, Sicily, during the Peloponnesian War but told in contemporary Irish dialect, Glorious Exploits follows Lampo and Gelon, best friends since childhood. Thrilled to have survived the Athenians’ recent invasion and as shocked by the Syracusan victory as everyone else, these unemployed potters are in a mood to celebrate. Of course, they hate the Atheni... continue


Glory by NoViolet Bulawayo EN

Rating: 5 (4 votes)
Country: Africa / Zimbabwe flag Zimbabwe
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2022 BOOKER PRIZE From the award-winning author of the Booker Prize finalist We Need New Names, an anthropomorphic blockbuster of a novel that chronicles the fall of an oppressive regime, and the chaotic, kinetic potential for real liberation that rises in its wake. Glory centres around the unexpected fall of Old Horse, a long-serving, tyrannical leader of the fictional country of Jidada, and the drama that follows for a rumbustious nation of animals on the precarious path to freedom. Inspired by the unexpected fall by coup, in November 2017, of Robert Mugabe—Zimbabwe’s pres... continue


Gnarr : How I Became the Mayor of a Large City in Iceland and Changed the World by Jón Gnarr EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Iceland flag Iceland
Following the collapse of the Icelandic banking system in 2008, comedian Jn Gnarr was inspired to invent a political party and run for mayor of Reykjavik. He decided to satirise the current political parties and instead promised voters that he wanted to make their lives more fun. In this entertaining memoir Gnarr recounts his experiences with admirable candour, describing his career, his visions and the mistakes he made, while also sharing some lessons from his campaign and his time in office.


Go Deep by Rilzy Adams EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
It was all supposed to be so simple. Navaya Howard is an erotic writer in a rut. Her readers are fed up of her stale plots and Navaya can't blame them. She's been celibate for over a year and a half since finding her now ex-boyfriend's side chick's positive pregnancy test on her bathroom counter. How can she write steamy romances if she can barely remember which body parts go into the other? Navaya enlists the help of her best friend, Xander, to revive the inspiration that used to have her sitting comfortably at the top of her game. What happens when the sex hits deeper than either of them exp... continue


Go For It, Nakamura!! by Syundei EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
Nakamura loves a boy in his class--now he just has to keep himself together! Nakamura is a shy boy who falls in love at first sight with another boy--his dreamy high school classmate Hirose. But there's a problem: they haven’t met yet. And Nakamura is a total klutz who might bungle things before they even begin! In this endearing Boy’s Love comedy about the trials of high school, follow Nakamura’s hilarious attempts to cling to happiness.


Go, Went, Gone by Jenny Erpenbeck EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
An unforgettable German bestseller about the European refugee crisis: “Erpenbeck will get under your skin” (Washington Post Book World) Go, Went, Gone is the masterful new novel by the acclaimed German writer Jenny Erpenbeck, “one of the most significant German-language novelists of her generation” (The Millions). The novel tells the tale of Richard, a retired classics professor who lives in Berlin. His wife has died, and he lives a routine existence until one day he spies some African refugees staging a hunger strike in Alexanderplatz. Curiosity turns to compassion and an inner transformation... continue