Book type: fiction (6174)


Her Name is Knight (Nena Knight Book #1) by Yasmin Angoe EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Ghana flag Ghana
A smash debut novel from rising star Yasmin Angoe, Her Name Is Knight features an elite assassin heroine on a mission to topple a human trafficking ring and avenge her family. Stolen from her Ghanaian village as a child, Nena Knight has plenty of motives to kill. Now an elite assassin for a powerful business syndicate called the Tribe, she gets plenty of chances. But while on assignment in Miami, Nena ends up saving a life, not taking one. She emerges from the experience a changed woman, finally hopeful for a life beyond rage and revenge. Tasked with killing a man she's come to respect, Nena s... continue


Hercule Poirot's Silent Night : The New Hercule Poirot Mystery by Sophie Hannah EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
19th December, 1931. Hercule Poirot and Inspector Edward Catchpool are called in to investigate the murder of a man in the apparent safe haven of a Norfolk hospital ward. Catchpool's mother, the irrepressible Cynthia, insists that Poirot stays in a crumbling mansion by the coast, so that they can all be together for the festive period while he solves the case. Meanwhile, Cynthia's friend Arnold is soon to be admitted to that same hospital, and his wife is convinced he will be the killer's next victim - though she refuses to explain why. Poirot has less than a week to solve the crime and preven... continue


Here Be Icebergs by Katya Adaui EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
The weird, fetid, familiar discomfort of family is front and centre in these short stories of all the ways we remain a mystery to each other. The mysteries of kinship (families born into and families made) take disconcerting and familiar shapes in these refreshingly frank short stories. A family is haunted by a beast that splatters fruit against its walls every night, another undergoes a near-collision with a bus on the way home from the beach. Mothers are cold, fathers are absent—we know these moments in the abstract, but Adaui makes each as uncanny as our own lives: close but not yet underst... continue


Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Capturing the distinct rhythms of Jamaican life and dialect, Nicole Dennis- Benn pens a tender hymn to a world hidden among pristine beaches and the wide expanse of turquoise seas. At an opulent resort in Montego Bay, Margot hustles to send her younger sister, Thandi, to school. Taught as a girl to trade her sexuality for survival, Margot is ruthlessly determined to shield Thandi from the same fate. When plans for a new hotel threaten their village, Margot sees not only an opportunity for her own financial independence but also perhaps a chance to admit a shocking secret: her forbidden love fo... continue


Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
'My whole life I've avoided mirrors because I didn't really like what they had to show me, but today is different. Because I look at my reflection and don't hate myself right away.' Felipe doesn't believe someone like Caio could ever fall for someone like him. But over the next fifteen days, everything will change ...


Here's to You, Jesusa! by Elena Poniatowska EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
A remarkable novel that uniquely melds journalism with fiction, by Elena Poniatowska, the recipient of the prestigious 2013 Cervantes Prize Jesusa is a tough, fiery character based on a real working-class Mexican woman whose life spanned some of the seminal events of early twentieth-century Mexican history. Having joined a cavalry unit during the Mexican Revolution, she finds herself at the Revolution's end in Mexico City, far from her native Oaxaca, abandoned by her husband and working menial jobs. So begins Jesusa's long history of encounters with the police and struggles against authority. ... continue


Heredero by Costa Alcalá ES

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Antes de la Revolución había diez Familias, una para cada Poder. Ahora solo quedan ocho. Aura desapareció. De Dominio, la Familia Imperial, solo queda un mal recuerdo. Casi veinte años después, los estudiantes del Liceo de la Guardia de Blyd se entrenan para proteger con su magia a una sociedad que hace años que vive en paz. Pero cuando la sombra de Dominio vuelve a sobrevolar el país, un grupo de estudiantes tendrá que enfrentarse a los secretos del pasado… sin revelar los suyos.


Hermanos de alma by David Diop ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"La desgarradora historia de un soldado senegalés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Alfa Ndiaye es senegalés y ha acabado combatiendo con el ejército francés en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el mismo regimiento también lucha su amigo Mademba Diop, que es herido de gravedad en el frente. Cuando Mademba le pide que lo mate para evitar sufrimientos inútiles, Alfa se siente incapaz de cumplir su deseo. Ansioso por vengar la muerte de su compañero, cada noche se desliza con sigilo hacia las posiciones enemigas, elige a un soldado cuidándose de no ser descubierto, cla... continue


Herr der Krähen by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Kenya flag Kenya
Ngugi wa Thiong'o wurde 1938 als Sohn einer Bauernfamilie in Kamirithu/Limuru in Kenia geboren. 1967 wurde er Dozent für Literatur an der University of Nairobi, wo er bis 1977 lehrte. Wegen seiner kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem postkolonialen Kenia und eines regierungskritischen Theaterstücks wurde er 1977 ohne Anklage inhaftiert und erst nach einer Kampagne von Amnesty International ein Jahr später aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Nachdem sein Leben unter dem Regime von Daniel arap Moi bedroht wurde, ging er 1982 ins Exil nach London. 1989 übersiedelte er in die USA, wo er heute an der Uni... continue


Herr Katō spielt Familie by Milena Michiko Flašar DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Austria flag Austria
Den ehemaligen Kollegen hat er immer beneidet. Um den Ruhestand, das Motorrad und die neue Freiheit. Doch jetzt steht er selbst frisch verrentet auf den bemoosten Treppen vor seinem Haus und weiß nicht wohin. Eine Krawatte braucht er nicht mehr, zu Hause ist er im Weg, die Kinder sind längst ausgezogen. Ob die junge Frau, die er jüngst auf dem Friedhof getroffen hat, ihm nur etwas vormacht, vermag er nicht zu sagen. Er ist aus der Übung. Und dennoch nimmt er ihren Vorschlag an, lässt sich von ihrer Agentur »Happy family« mal als Opa, mal als Exmann, dann w... continue