Book type: fiction (6198)


It's in His Kiss by Julia Quinn EN

0 Ratings
Gareth St. Clair has a father who hates him and who is determined to ruin the St. Clair family fortunes. Gareth's sole heirloom is an old diary, which may or may not contain the secrets of his past... and the key to his future. The problem is - it's written in Italian, of which Gareth speaks not a word


Ita by Mónica Albizúrez, Mónica Albizúrez Gil ES

0 Ratings
Novela finalista del Certamen BAM Letras, 2017 (Guatemala)De pronto, una palabra rara, nunca antes escuchada, define la vida de Ita, una exitosa abogada guatemalteca que atraviesa los supuestos años de madurez de los cuarenta. Esa palabra, fibromialgia, da nombre a la experiencia del dolor que Ita intentará describir y comprender. El dolor del cuerpo conducirá a la protagonista de la novela a recuperar el pasado de su familia, especialmente a descifrar el abandono de la madre, una conocida artista que, por razones oscuras, dejó la carrera en pleno conflicto armado guatemalteco.Recorrer el pasa... continue


Iubita locotenentului francez by John Fowles RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Plasata in jurul anului 1867, actiunea romanului pune in cumpana libertatea viziunii de la sfirsitul anilor ’60 ai secolului al XX-lea cu atitudinile severe ale perioadei victoriene din urma cu o suta de ani. Romanul evoca in chip convingator atmosfera acelor „certitudini de fier”, a conventiilor rigide, a emotiilor reprimate, reactualizind unele modalitati caracteristice ale naratiunii victoriene. De fapt, succesul la public a fost explicat si prin dexteritatea cu care Fowles minuieste o intriga intru totul conventionala: triunghiul alcatuit din Charles, logodnica lui, suava... continue


Iza's Ballad by Magda Szabo EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Hungary flag Hungary
From the author of The Door, selected by The New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2015 An NYRB Classics Original Like Magda Szabó’s internationally acclaimed novel The Door, Iza’s Ballad is a striking story of the relationship between two women, in this case a mother and a daughter. Ettie, the mother, is old and from an older world than the rapidly modernizing Communist Hungary of the years after World War II. From a poor family and without formal education, Ettie has devoted her life to the cause of her husband, Vince, a courageous magistrate who had been blacklisted for... continue


Jade City - Familie ist Pflicht by Fonda Lee DE

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Familie ist Pflicht – Magie ist Macht – Ehre ist alles! Fonda Lees Fantasy-Roman »Jade City – Familie ist Pflicht« ist der erste Teil der Jade-Saga und eine faszinierende Kombination aus Gangster-Epos und magischer Kung-Fu-Action. Seit Jahrhunderten ist die magische Jade das Lebenselixier der Insel Kekon. Ihretwegen wird gekämpft, gestohlen und gemordet, denn sie verleiht den ehrenhaften Grünblutkrieger ihre außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten. Doch nun ist eine mächtige Droge aufgetaucht, die es auch Fremden ermöglicht, die Jade zu nutzen. Diese neue Bedrohung für Kekon lässt die alten Blutfehde zw... continue


Jade Is a Twisted Green by Tanya Turton EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Jade Is a Twisted Green follows the coming of age of Jade Brown, a young Black queer woman on the cusp of turning twenty-five. Her becoming story explores Jamaican Canadian identity, love, passion, chosen family, and rediscovering life’s pleasures after loss.


Jagannath : (stories) by Karin Tidbeck EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Sweden flag Sweden
I have never read anything like Jagannath. Karin Tidbeck s imagination is recognizably Nordic, but otherwise unclassifiable quietly, intelligently, unutterably strange. And various. And ominous. And funny. And mysteriously tender. These are wonderful stories. Ursula K. Le Guin Restrained and vivid, poised and strange, Tidbeck, with her impossible harmonies, is a vital voice. China Mieville Enter the strange and wonderful world of Swedish sensation Karin Tidbeck with this feast of darkly fantastical short stories. Whether through the falsified historical record of the uniquely weird Swedish cre... continue


Jaguar’s Tomb by Angélica Gorodischer EN

0 Ratings
Jaguars' Tomb is a novel in three parts, written by three interconnected characters. Part one, "Hidden Variables" by María Celina Igarzábal, is narrated by Bruno Seguer. Seguer in turn is the author of the second part, "Recounting from Zero" ("Contar desde zero"), in which Evelynne Harrington, author of the third, is a central character. Harrington, finally, is the author of "Uncertainty" ("La incertidumbre"), whose protagonist is the dying Igarzábal. Each of the three parts revolves around the octagonal room that is alternately the jaguars' tomb, the central space of the torture center, and t... continue