Book type: fiction (6541)


Negative Space by Luljeta Lleshanaku EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Albania flag Albania
*Shortlist for the Griffin International Poetry Prize* "Language arrived fragmentary / split in syllables / spasmodic / like code in times of war," writes Luljeta Lleshanaku in the title poem to her powerful new collection Negative Space. In these lines, personal biography disperses into the history of an entire generation that grew up under the oppressive dictatorship of the poet's native Albania. For Lleshanaku, the "unsaid, gestures" make up the negative space that "gives form to the woods / and to the mad woman--the silhouette of goddess Athena / wearing a pair of flip-flops / and an owl o... continue


Neighbours by Lília Momplé EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
In Lília Momplé thrilling novel, Neighbours, a group of strangers find their futures forever intertwined over the course of just a few short hours.On the eve of Eid al-Fitr, three families quietly prepare for the night's celebrations, preoccupied with their own separate lives. Narguiss cooks food with her daughters, anxiously waiting for her husband to come home. Leia and Januário take joy in the fact they finally have a roof over their heads, especially after the birth of their young daughter. And Mena overhears her husband plotting murder... Told through a series of narrative snapshots, Neig... continue


Nemesis by Agatha Christie EN

0 Ratings
When Jane Marple receives an unusual letter from Jason Rafiel, a week after his death, she is led into a web of suspense.


Neruda on the Park by Cleyvis Natera EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS’ CHOICE • An exhilarating debut novel following members of a Dominican family in New York City who take radically different paths when faced with encroaching gentrification “Strikes all the right notes—captivating characters, lyrical language, and a storyline that captures your imagination and refuses to let go . . . an unforgettable debut!”—Tayari Jones, New York Times bestselling author of An American Marriage ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: PopSugar The Guerreros have lived in Nothar Park, a predominantly Dominican part of New York City, for twenty years. When demo... continue


Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga EN

Rating: 4 (20 votes)
Country: Africa / Zimbabwe flag Zimbabwe
A modern classic from the Booker-shortlisted author of This Mournable Body The groundbreaking first novel in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s award-winning trilogy, Nervous Conditions, won the Commonwealth Writers Prize and has been “hailed as one of the 20th century’s most significant works of African literature” (The New York Times). Two decades before Zimbabwe would win independence and ended white minority rule, thirteen-year-old Tambudzai Sigauke embarks on her education. On her shoulders rest the economic hopes of her parents, siblings, and extended family, and within her burns the desire for indepe... continue


Nesuferitele zile de luni by Arnon Yasha Yves Grunberg RO

Rating: 1 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Netherlands flag Netherlands
Cavalcada existentei tanarului Arnon incepe dupa ce renunta la liceu pentru o viata diurna petrecuta la slujbe plicticoase si una nocturna, marginala, pe strazile din Amsterdam, unde sexul e moneda de schimb. Ca sa-si omoare timpul, bate barurile si restaurantele hotelurilor la moda si pleaca fara sa-si plateasca nota, vrea sa incerce toate cocteilurile din lume, frecventeaza prostituate nu cu mult mai in varsta sau mai experimentate decat el. In periplul lui inocent si aparent fara tinta, se ascund tristetea si angoasele unui tanar caruia sensibilitatea exacerbata ii alimenteaza setea de aven... continue


Never Go to the Post Office Alone by Stelios Kouloglou EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Greece flag Greece
Great historical events are never anonymousthey sweep anyone in their path into the fray. Kevin Danaher, a foreign correspondent in Moscow, will discover exactly that, as he queues at the citys central post office one morning in 1989, waiting to send a fax to his newspaper in New York. How could he know that the beautiful East German woman standing in front of him was the means chosen by fate to throw him onto the stage of world history? With the Soviet Union collapsing and the Berlin Wall about to fall, this moment of history would change the world, and Kevins life, forever. Stelios Kouloglo... continue


Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro EN

Rating: 4 (11 votes)
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
NOBEL PRIZE WINNER • From the acclaimed, bestselling author of The Remains of the Day comes “a Gothic tour de force" (The New York Times) with an extraordinary twist—a moving, suspenseful, beautifully atmospheric modern classic. As children, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy were students at Hailsham, an exclusive boarding school secluded in the English countryside. It was a place of mercurial cliques and mysterious rules where teachers were constantly reminding their charges of how special they were. Now, years later, Kathy is a young woman. Ruth and Tommy have reentered her life. And for the first time... continue