Book type: fiction (6515)


Weasels in the Attic by Hiroko Oyamada EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
From the acclaimed author of The Hole and The Factory, a thrilling and mysterious work that explores fertility, masculinity, and marriage in contemporary Japan


Wedervaring by Bodo Kirchhoff NL

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Germany flag Germany
Een al wat oudere man en vrouw ervaren op Sicilië de liefde voor elkaar, maar die wordt op de proef gesteld als een Afrikaanse vluchtelinge hun pad kruist.


Weeding the Flowerbeds by Sarah Mkhonza EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Eswatini flag Eswatini
Weeding the Flowerbeds is a memoir of boarding school at Manzini Nazarene High School in Swaziland, a country in Southern Africa. In this book Sarah explores life in the boarding school at Manzini Nazarene High School, a school that produced many graduates. She explores life in an educational institution where growing up is takes place under strict hostel rules in the seventies. As young Swazi girls Bulelo, Sisile and Makhosi grow up learning about life and Christianity. They learn to love school and also to appreciate writing and literature. All the time they feel as if they are being pushed ... continue


Weep Not, Child by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Kenya flag Kenya
The Nobel Prize–nominated Kenyan writer’s powerful first novel Two brothers, Njoroge and Kamau, stand on a garbage heap and look into their futures: Njoroge is to attend school, while Kamau will train to be a carpenter. But this is Kenya, and the times are against them: In the forests, the Mau Mau is waging war against the white government, and the two brothers and their family need to decide where their loyalties lie. For the practical Kamau, the choice is simple, but for Njoroge the scholar, the dream of progress through learning is a hard one to give up. The first East African novel publish... continue


Weiße Nächte by Fjodor Dostojewski DE

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Russia flag Russia
"Es ist wahr, wenn ich vor einer Frau stehe, bin ich stets schüchtern und, ich gebe es zu, nicht weniger aufgeregt, als Sie (...). Jetzt bin ich erschrocken. Es ist mir, als ob alles ein Traum wäre; ich habe mir aber auch im Traume niemals vorgestellt, daß ich imstande wäre, mit irgendeinem weiblichen Wesen zu sprechen..." (Dostojewski, Zitat auf S. 8 aus "Weiße Nächte"). Die Geschichte über den schüchternen Außenseiter, der sich in eine junge Frau verliebt, gilt vielen als die schönste Novelle des russischen Autors. Fjodor Dostojewski. Weiße Nächte. Ein empfindsamer Roman (Aus den Erinnerunge... continue


Welcome Home : A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul by Najwa Zebian EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Lebanon flag Lebanon
From the celebrated poet, speaker, and educator comes Welcome Home, a powerful blueprint for building a strong foundation of self-worth, belonging, and happiness. “A master class in self-actualization and compassion.”—Mari Andrew, New York Times bestselling author of Am I There Yet? The powerful metaphor of home provides a structure for you to customize your journey to personal transformation as Najwa Zebian shares her own experiences in building a home within herself, and shows you how to construct the following “rooms”: • Self-Love: Learn how to build an individualized self-care routine to r... continue


Welcome Me to the Kingdom : Stories by Mai Nardone EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Thailand flag Thailand
An immersive debut set across the temples, slums, and gated estates of late-twentieth century Bangkok, Welcome Me to the Kingdom tells the story of three families striving to control their own destinies in a merciless, sometimes brutally violent, metropolis. We came with the drought. From the window of the train, the rich brown of the Chao Phraya River marked the turn from the northeast into the central plains. We came for Bangkok on the delta. The thin tributaries that laced the provinces found full current at the capital. And in the city, we’d heard, the wealth was wide and deep. In 1980, yo... continue


Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Nigeria flag Nigeria
When army officer Chike Ameobi is ordered to kill innocent civilians, he knows that it is time to leave. As he travels towards Lagos, he becomes the leader of a new platoon, a band of runaways who share his desire for a better life. Their arrival in the city coincides with the eruption of a political scandal. The education minister, Chief Sandayo, has disappeared and is suspected of stealing millions of dollars from government funds. After an unexpected encounter with the Chief, Chike and his companions must make a choice. Ahmed Bakare, editor of the failing Nigerian Journal, is desperate for ... continue


Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop : A Novel by Hwang Bo-reum EN

Rating: 4 (8 votes)
Country: Asia / South Korea flag South Korea
The Korean smash hit available for the first time in English, a slice-of-life novel for readers of Matt Haig's The Midnight Library and Gabrielle Zevin's The Storied Life of AJ Fikry.