Book type: fiction (6541)


Coeur tambour by Scholastique Mukasonga FR

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Rwanda flag Rwanda
"Personne ne savait plus trop qui était cette présumée princesse africaine appelée Nyabinghi. Son nom était venu s'échouer sur les plages de la Jamaïque en d'étranges circonstances... Le 12 décembre 1935, peu de temps avant l'invasion de l'Ethiopie par l'Italie fasciste, paraissait dans le journal Jamaïca Times un article intitulé "Une société secrète pour détruire les Blancs" : vingt millions de nègres, au nom d'une mystérieuse reine appelée Nya-Binghi, allaient déferler sur l'Europe et l'Amérique, Nya-Binghi signifiant "mort aux Blancs". Les rastas, qui adoptèrent le nom de nyabinghi, n'avai... continue


Cold As Hell by Lilja Sigurdardottir EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Iceland flag Iceland
Áróra returns to Iceland when her estranged sister goes missing, and her search leads to places she could never have imagined. A chilling, tense standalone thriller from one of Iceland's bestselling authors... _________________ Icelandic sisters Áróra and Ísafold live in different countries and aren't on speaking terms, but when their mother loses contact with Ísafold, Áróra reluctantly returns to Iceland to find her sister. But she soon realizes that her sister isn't avoiding her ... she has disappeared, without trace. As she confonts Ísafold's abusive, drug-dealing boyfriend Björn, and begin... continue


Cold Enough for Snow by Jessica Au EN

0 Ratings
Country: Oceania / Australia flag Australia
Winner of the inaugural Novel Prize, an elegant and subtle exploration of the mysteries of our relationships to others


Cold Nights of Childhood by Tezer Özlü EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Turkey flag Turkey
The narrator of Cold Nights of Childhood grows up in a rapidly changing Turkey, where the atmosphere is nationalist, patriarchal, technocratic. As a misfit in search of freedom, love and happiness, she escapes to Berlin, is overcome by depression on her return, and trapped in a psychiatry clinic for five years. After electroshock therapy and inhumane treatment, she is released into the care of friends and family, making tentative steps in a halting journey towards recovery.In her unique, unstructured style, Tezer Özlü explores the extremity of her inner life and the painful pleasures of memory... continue


Colecţionarul by John Fowles RO

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Colectionarul, primul roman al lui John Fowles, este o carte cu o conceptie absolut originala, despre pasiunea unui functionar neinsemnat. Un tanar timid, asocial, el este usor-usor cuprins de nevinovata bucurie de a colectiona obiecte. Odata cu primirea unei mosteniri consistente, mica lui placere ia proportii si ajunge treptat sa-i domine viata. Destinul sau capata o intorsatura neobisnuita atunci cand rapeste si sechestreaza o studenta la Arte Frumoase, incercand sa stabileasca astfel o legatura afectiva imposibila intre el si victima.


Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges EN

Rating: 5 (8 votes)
For the first time in English, all the fiction by the writer who has been called “the greatest Spanish-language writer of our century” collected in a single volume A Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition From Jorge Luis Borges’s 1935 debut with The Universal History of Iniquity, through his immensely influential collections Ficciones and The Aleph, these enigmatic, elaborate, imaginative inventions display his talent for turning fiction on its head by playing with form and genre and toying with language. Together these incomparable works comprise the perfect one-volume compendium for all those who h... continue


Collide by Bal Khabra EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
A USA TODAY BESTSELLER! She’s an honors student with ambitious graduate school plans and he’s a jock with only hockey on his mind, but once their worlds collide, their connection is hot enough to melt an ice rink. An ultimatum from Summer Preston’s thesis advisor thrusts her into an unexpected collision with the hockey team’s captain, Aiden Crawford. She’s caught between conflicting desires of fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a sport psychologist and staying as far away as possible from the god-awful sport. And once she meets Aiden—well, let’s just say he confirms all her worst assump... continue


Colonel Chabert by Honore de Balzac EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Unlock the more straightforward side of Colonel Chabert with this concise and insightful summary and analysis! This engaging summary presents an analysis of Colonel Chabert by Honoré de Balzac, which follows the titular character’s struggle to adapt to life in France after he was for years presumed dead. Chabert, a former war hero and a man of integrity, finds that there is no place for him in France’s new society, which is ruled by greed, selfishness and injustice, and is callously manipulated by his conniving ex-wife. The novel is one of the Scenes of Private Life in Balzac’s The Human Comed... continue


Colonel Lágrimas by Carlos Fonseca Suárez EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
“Beware, reader, in these pages you will experience vertigo, anxiety and joy. You will become a ghostly presence in a Borgesian world, a camera obscura, where mathematics is a secret weapon, and memory the object of an archaeological pursuit. Loosely inspired by the eventful life of the French mathematician Alexander Grothendieck, Fonseca has created a gorgeous opera prima.” —Valerie Miles, The New York Times Book Review Holed away in a cabin in the Pyrenees, the world-famous and enigmatic mathematician Alexander Grothendieck is working furiously on a final project. But what exactly is this mo... continue


Colorful : A Novel by Eto Mori EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Japan flag Japan
A beloved and bestselling classic in Japan, this groundbreaking tale of a dead soul who gets a second chance is perfect for readers of The Midnight Library. "Congratulations, you've won the lottery!" shouts the angel Prapura to a formless soul. The soul hasn't been kicked out of the cycle of rebirth just yet—he's been given a second chance. He must recall the biggest mistake of his past life while on 'homestay' in the body of fourteen-year-old Makoto Kobayashi, who has just committed suicide. It looks like Makoto doesn't have a single friend, and his family don't seem to care about him at all.... continue