A Discourse on Inequality

by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Rating: 3 (1 vote)

Tags: Male author

Discourse on Inequality

The searing indictment of man-made inequality in all its many forms that Rousseau offers in Discourse on Inequality is a must-read for philosophy buffs and supporters of social justice. This artfully composed argument sets forth the core elements of Rousseau's philosophical views, including his unique take on Hobbes' concept of nature and natural law.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Lauren
(1 month ago)
25 Jan, 2025
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a classic I'm glad I tackled. It's certainly interesting and brings up topics that are still relevant in the present. That said, though, I feel like I should have been back in college to fully appreciate this one.

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