Before the Queen Falls Asleep

by Huzama Habayeb

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Tags: Set in Kuwait Female author Coming of age

Before the Queen Falls Asleep

Born a girl to parents who expected a boy, Jihad grows up treated like the eldest son, wearing boy's clothing and sharing the financial burden of head of the household with her father. Now middle-aged, each night Jihad tells her daughter a story from her life. As Malika prepares to leave home to attend university abroad, her mother revisits the past of their Palestinian family, tenderly describing their life in exile in Kuwait and her own experiences of love and loss as she grows up. Huzama Habayeb weaves a richly observed and affectionate portrait of a Palestinian family displaced from their homeland, exploring with humour and poise the love and betrayal that pursues Jihad and her family from Kuwait to Jordan to Dubai. This is a novel whose words will resound long after you finish the final page. Translated from the Arabic by Kay Heikkinen


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Miriam
(10 months ago)
16 Apr, 2024
An interesting read about life as a refugee from Palestine in Kuwait and Jordan.

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Country: Kuwait flag Kuwait
Language: EN

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