Bonjour tristesse

by Françoise Sagan

Rating: 5 (2 votes)

Tags: Set in France Female author

Bonjour tristesse

La villa est magnifique, l'été brûlant, la Méditerranée toute proche. Cécile a dix-sept ans. Elle ne connaît de l'amour que des baisers, des rendez-vous, des lassitudes. Pas pour longtemps. Son père, veuf, est un adepte joyeux des liaisons passagères et sans importance. Ils s'amusent, ils n'ont besoin de personne, ils sont heureux. La visite d'une femme de coeur, intelligente et calme, vient troubler ce délicieux désordre. Comment écarter la menace ? Dans la pinède embrasée, un jeu cruel se prépare. C'était l'été 1954. On entendait pour la première fois la voix sèche et rapide d'un " charmant petit monstre " qui allait faire scandale. la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle commençait. Elle serait à l'image de cette adolescente déchirée entre le remords et le culte du plaisir.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Lorna
(6 months ago)
28 Aug, 2024
“My love of pleasure seems to be the only consistent side of my character. Is it because I have not read enough?” Francoise Sagan was 18 when she wrote this book, yet her words have the insight and authority of someone twice her age. She captures the angst and selfishness of youth so well that it makes you wonder how worldly-wise she already was or whether she was just writing from the heart. What really struck me was how well she was able to depict the ennui of the privileged adults holidaying on the Riviera, dismissing them as frivolous party-goers and time-wasters with nothing intelligent to say and plenty of time to gossip and drink. This brief novella with its cast of unlikeable, selfish characters and its accurate descriptions of summer on the Mediterranean, effortlessly whisks you away into the lives of the rich and glamorous. A delectable summer read with a whiff of scandal and a sprinkling of snobbishness that makes it very French in its delivery. If the characters were as mature as the writing, this would have been a five-star read for me, but it felt like they all made an effort to be as obnoxious as they possibly could. “It amused me to think that one can tell the truth when one is drunk and nobody will believe it.”

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Country: France flag France
Language: FR

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