My Forbidden Face : Growing Up Under the Taliban : a Young Woman's Story

by Latifa, Chékéba Hachemi

Rating: 4 (1 vote)

Tags: Set in Afghanistan Female author

My Forbidden Face : Growing Up Under the Taliban : a Young Woman's Story

Born into a middle-class Afghan family in Kabul in 1980, Latifa had a conventional childhood. Then, Taliban soldiers seized power in Kabul. And from that moment, Latifa, just sixteen, became a prisoner in her own home. The simplest and most basic freedoms were forbidden. She was forced to put on a chadri, the state-mandated uniform that covered her entire body. Disbelief at having to hide herself was soon replaced by fear, the fear of being whipped or stoned like women she'd seen. My Forbidden Face provides a moving and highly personal account of life under the Taliban regime. With painful honesty and clarity, Latifa describes her ordered world falling apart, in the name of a fanaticism that she could not comprehend, and replaced by a world where terror and oppression reign.


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Lorna
(6 months ago)
28 Aug, 2024
My Forbidden Face is the true account of a young girl and her family's life in Kabul under the Taliban. In simple but unrestrained language, Latifa recounts the horrifying restrictions placed on the citizens of Kabul, and on women in particular, by the Taliban. While we are all familiar with the imposition of the burqa on the women, I had no idea of the other, more sinister and often life-threatening mandates that they had to contend with. This book was a harrowing and eye-opening read.

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Country: Afghanistan flag Afghanistan
Language: EN

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