Nervous System

by Lina Meruane

Rating: 2 (1 vote)

Tags: Set in Chile Female author

Nervous System


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Caitlin
(2 years ago)
13 Nov, 2022
[publisher's description]: An electrifying novel about illness, displacement, and what holds us together, by the author of Seeing Red. Ella is an astrophysicist struggling with her doctoral thesis in the "country of the present" but she is from the "country of the past," a place burdened in her memory by both personal and political tragedies. Her partner, El, is a forensic scientist who analyzes the bones of victims of state violence and is recovering from an explosion at a work site that almost killed him. Consumed by writer's block, Ella finds herself wishing that she would become ill, which would provide time for writing and perhaps an excuse for her lack of progress. Then she begins to experience mysterious symptoms that doctors find undiagnosable.

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Country: Chile flag Chile
Language: EN

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