Things Fall Apart

by Chinua Achebe

Rating: 4 (67 votes)

Tags: Set in Nigeria Male author

Things Fall Apart

Okonowo is the greatest warrior alive and he is one of the powerful men of his clan. But he also has a fiery temper. Determined not to be like his father, he refuses to show his weakness. When outsiders threaten the traditions of his clan, he takes violent action. Will the great man's pride eventually destroy him?


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Churchill
(7 years ago)
01 Jan, 2018
An African bestseller written by one of the best authors Africa has ever has ever produced. I read this one as a compulsory Literature book when I was in secondary school, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. There was a time that most of my classmates new almost the whole book by heart. 30 years later and we still talk quote segments of the book that apply to our daily lives. This novel is highly recommended to those who want to discover what life was like in the old days in the villages of Nigeria. Most of my early knowledge about Nigeria came from this book.
Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Karen
(2 years ago)
17 Jan, 2023
Christianity wreaks havoc on tribal life
Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Pedro
(1 year ago)
28 Jan, 2024
La novela nos presenta la vida en la aldea de Umuofia, en Nigeria, y la de uno de sus líderes, Okonkwo. No todo es rosa en Umuofia, ni todo es virtud en Okonkwo. Y a través de la mirada de la aldea, la estupefacción y confusión frente a la llegada del hombre blanco, precedido por el cristianismo, ante el que Okonkwo siente un gran rechazo, porque hace a los hombres débiles, "como mujeres". Esta es una edición adaptada para la enseñanza escolar, y su estilo es didáctico y explicativo. Pero a pesar de ello, permite percibir la sensación del cambio que se va produciendo, de un mundo que se va desmoronando, con mucha tensión y angustia; y cierta tristeza. Muy buena.

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Country: Nigeria flag Nigeria
Language: EN
Genre: Folklore

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