War and Peace

by Leo Tolstoy

Rating: 4 (12 votes)

Tags: Set in Russia Male author

War and Peace

Introduction by A. N. Wilson • Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read Often called the greatest novel ever written, War and Peace is at once an epic of the Napoleonic Wars, a philosophical study, and a celebration of the Russian spirit. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.”


Read Around The World Challenge user profile avatar for Carl
(2 years ago)
26 Nov, 2022
A long, but incredible read. A true epic for a reason.

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