Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Algeria.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
Do You Hear in the Mountains... and Other Stories by Maïssa Bey
This new translation brings together two of Algerian author Maïssa Bey's important works for the first time in English. "Do You Hear in the Mountains..." is a compelling piece of autofiction in which three destinies meet dramatically on a train moving through France. We meet an Algerian refugee, whom we recognize as Bey herself. She has escaped the civil war and cannot forget her father's commitment to independence nor his death under the torture of the French soldiers. Sitting near her is a retired doctor whose military service in Algeria coincidentally took him to the same area at the time o... continue
El extranjero by Albert Camus
Mersault, nuestro narrador es un hombre sin atributos. La muerte de su madre lo introduce (o le revela) que no es capaz de sentir nada, ni de comprender el dolor de el resto de los que participan de su funeral. Y así comenzará su deriva, la del sinsentido. Y especialmente frente el sol; el sol eterno, inmutable, todopoderoso. ¿Qué importancia puede tener todo lo demás? Frente al absoluto del sol, como símbolo, todo lo demás es hojarasca, hojas que vuelan llevadas por el viento, insignificancia. Y nuestras acciones y decisiones, cuestiones irrele... continue
El repudio by Rachid Boudjedra
En un modesto departamento frente al mar, Rachid cuenta a su amante francesa una desordenada historia de su vida; esta narración forma parte de la compleja relación de poder de la pareja, y está contada en forma alambricada, obsesivamente fijada en aspectos traumáticos de su vida. Una historia profunda y dolorosa, con una forma de narración que exige mucha atención.
Hizya by Maïssa Bey
Hizya, een 23-jarige Algerijnse vrouw die nog thuis woont, droomt van vrijheid en van de grote liefde in haar leven, maar ze voelt zich beperkt door haar familie, tradities en verplichtingen.
In The Name of God by Yasmina Khadra
Imagine becoming accustomed to terror on a daily basis. Imagine finding it normal to betray your neighbor. Imagine your worst fears being replaced by complacency, your natural compassion by cold indifference. In the Name of God illustrates the way evil can become a part of everyday life. And it is the story of Algeria today.
Inside the Battle of Algiers by Zohra Drif
This gripping insider's account chronicles how and why a young woman in 1950s Algiers joined the armed wing of Algeria's national liberation movement to combat her country's French occupiers. When the movement's leaders turned to Drif and her female colleagues to conduct attacks in retaliation for French aggression against the local population, they leapt at the chance. Their actions were later portrayed in Gillo Pontecorvo's famed film The Battle of Algiers. When first published in French in 2013, this intimate memoir was met with great acclaim and no small amount of controversy. It is essent... continue
L'amour, la fantasia : roman by Assia Djebar
Nous glissons du passé lointain au passé proche, de la troisième personne, à la première ; extraordinaire évocation du père, instituteur de français, de la mère, des cousines, des femmes cloîtrées vives et dont le cri et l'amour nous poursuivent. Assia Djebar, sans conteste la plus grande romancière du Maghreb, nous donne ici son œuvre la plus aboutie.