Congo flag Books from Congo

16 popular congolese books
Travel the world without leaving your chair. The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world. All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around Africa Challenge" were written by authors from Congo. Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.


Ngando by Paul Lomami Tshibamba NL

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Literaire verhalen van de Congolese auteur met magisch realistische elementen.


The Death of Comrade President by ALAIN. MABANCKOU EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
In Pointe-Noire, in the small neighbourhood of Voungou, on the family plot where young Michel lives with Maman Pauline and Papa Roger, life goes on. But Michel's everyday cares - lost grocery money, the whims of his parents' moods, their neighbours' squabbling, his endless daydreaming - are soon swept away by the wind of history. In March 1977, just before the arrival of the short rainy season, Comrade President Marien Ngouabi is brutally murdered in Brazzaville, and not even naïve Michel can remain untouched. Starting as a tender, wry portrait of an ordinary Congolese family, Alain Mabanckou ... continue


The Tears of the Black Man by Alain Mabanckou EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
In The Tears of the Black Man, award-winning author Alain Mabanckou explores what it means to be black in the world today. Mabanckou confronts the long and entangled history of Africa, France, and the United States as it has been shaped by slavery, colonialism, and their legacy today. Without ignoring the injustices and prejudice still facing blacks, he distances himself from resentment and victimhood, arguing that focusing too intensely on the crimes of the past is limiting. Instead, it is time to ask: Now what? Embracing the challenges faced by ethnic minority communities today, The Tears of... continue


Un océan, deux mers, trois continents by Wilfried N'Sondé FR

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Au tout début du XVIIe siècle, Nsaku Ne Vunda, ordonné prêtre et baptisé Dom Antonio Manuel, est chargé par le roi des Bakongos de devenir son ambassadeur auprès du pape. En faisant ses adieux à son Kongo natal, il ignore que le long voyage censé le mener à Rome va passer par le Nouveau Monde, et que le bateau sur lequel il s'apprête à embarquer est un navire négrier. De quoi mettre à mal sa foi en Dieu et en l'homme... Wilfried N'Sondé s'empare avec ardeur d'un personnage méconnu de l'Histoire pour dénoncer les horreurs d'une époque d'obscurantisme et exalter la beauté de l'espérance.... continue


Vaso roto by Alain Mabanckou ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Vaso Roto es un cliente asiduo del Crédito se Fue de Viaje, un mugriento bar congolés. Un día, el propietario le propone escribir historias heroico-cómicas de los asiduos al bar, una tropa de lisiados de vidas pintorescas. En esta farsa metafísica, donde lo sublime se mezcla con lo grotesco, Alain Mabanckou, autor originario de Congo-Brazzaville galardonado con el Premio Renaudot, nos ofrece un retrato truculento de un África extraña e inesperada. Esta novela, pionera en demoler el mito de que todos los males de los estados africanos se deben a las políticas colonialistas, propone un cambio de... continue


Verre Cassé : Roman by Alain Mabanckou FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Congo flag Congo
Verre Cassé est un client assidu du Crédit a voyagé, un bar congolais des plus crasseux. Un jour, L'Escargot entêté, le patron, lui propose de mettre sur papier les prouesses héroïco-comiques des habitués... Dans un cahier de fortune, sous la plume désabusée de cet ancien instituteur ivrogne, prend vie l'histoire horrifique d'une troupe d'éclopés aux aventures fantastiques. -- 4ème de couverture.


Adult Crime Cultural Folklore Historical Historical fiction Magical realism Philosophical Political Psychology Short story