Travel the world without leaving your chair.
The target of the Read Around The World Challenge is to read at least one book written by an author from each and every country in the world.
All books that are listed here as part of the "Read Around South America Challenge" were written by authors from Guyana.
Find a great book for the next part of your reading journey around the world from this book list. The following popular books have been recommended so far.
A Leaf in His Ear : Selected Poems by Mahadai Das
This collection of poems, discussed with Mahadai Das before her death, and organised in co-operation with the poet's sister, brings together almost all the poems that she wrote. In addition, 'A Leaf in His Ear', brings together many of the poems published in journals.
Al Señor, con cariño by E.R. Braitwaite
E. R. Braithwaite nació en la Guayana inglesa. Hombre inteligente y cultivado, prestó servicios como piloto de la R.A.F. durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Al terminar la contienda, por ser negro, no encuentra colocación en aquel Londres que se reconstruye y necesita hombres capacitados como él. Tras largos meses de búsquedas y desilusiones, se le ofrece una plaza de maestro en el East End, uno de los barrios más pobres de la capital inglesa. La evolución en el comportamiento de los alumnos, consecuencia de la dedicación y entrega del profesor, nos sumerge en uno de los más acuciantes y comple... continue
Black Teacher by Beryl Gilroy, Bernardine Evaristo
The rediscovered classic: an unforgettable memoir by a trailblazing black woman in post-war London, introduced by Bernardine Evaristo ('I dare anyone to read it and not come away shocked, moved and entertained ... One of the unsung heroines of Black British literature.')
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney
This wide-reaching volume shows how Africa developed before the coming of the Europeans up to the 15th century, and shows Africa's contribution to European capitalist development in the pre-colonial period. Colonialism is then shown as a system for underdeveloping Africa.
I Have Crossed an Ocean : Selected Poems by Grace Nichols
Grace Nichols' poetry has a gritty lyricism that addresses the transatlantic connections central to the Caribbean-British experience. Her work brings a mythic awareness and a sensuous musicality that is at the same time disquieting. Born and educated in Guyana, Grace Nichols moved to Britain in 1977. I Have Crossed an Ocean is a comprehensive selection spanning some 25 years of her writing.
Of Marriageable Age by Sharon Maas
Rating: 5 (1 vote)
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Palace of the Peacock by Wilson Harris
In his tale of a doomed crew beating their way up-river through the jungles of Guyana, first published in 1960, Wilson Harris revealed the unique poetic vision and laid out the themes and designs, not only of his famous work, The Guyana Quartet, but of all his future work. The Palace of the Peacock displays that vision in all its hallucinatory vividness, given additional impact by its rejection of the conventions of the twentieth-century novel and the uncompromising energy of its use of language in its response to character and landscape. The compelling adventure story of the narrative is para... continue