Books set in Cuba (41)

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Letters to My Mother by Teresa Cardenas EN

0 Ratings
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
In a series of letters to her dead mother, a young Afro-Cuban girl describes her struggles with racism, living on the goodwill of relatives, and self-acceptance. Reprint.


Los pasos perdidos by Alejo Carpentier ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Switzerland flag Switzerland
Buscar la utopia es querer encontrar el paraiso, y viceversa. Alejo Carpentier lo intentó por medio de un riquisimo lenguaje, de la naturaleza exuberante. Los pasos perdidos es un descenso a las raices, una travesía cargada de símbolos y de un a ancestral tradición cultural. Esta novela, escrita narra un viaje de vuelta: el protagonista, musicólogo, emprende una expedición al país de su infancia en busca de instrumentos musicales primitivos, al mismo tiempo, es una fuga: huye de un trabajo sinsentido, de una sociedad corrompida.


Máscaras by Leonardo Padura ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
En la tupida arboleda del Bosque de La Habana aparece un 6 de agosto, el día en que la Iglesia celebra la transfiguración de Jesús, el cuerpo de un travestí con el lazo de seda roja de la muerte aún al cuello. Para mayor zozobra del Conde –el policía encargado de la investigación–, aquella mujer «sin los beneficios de la naturaleza», vestida de rojo, resulta ser Alexis Arayán, hijo de un respetado diplomático del régimen cubano. La investigación se inicia con la visita del Conde al impresionante personaje del Marqués, hombre de letras y de teatro, homosexual desterrado en su propia tierra en u... continue


Out of Havana : Memoirs of Ordinary Life in Cuba by Araceli Alonso EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Out of Havana provides an uncommon ordinary woman's insight into the last half century of Cuba's tumultuous recent history. More powerfully than an academic study or historical account, it allows us intimately to grasp the enthusiasm, commitment and sense of promise that defined many average Cubans' experience of the 1959 Revolution and the first triumphant decades of the Castro regime. As the story shifts into the final decades of the last century (the 1980s Mariel Boatlift, the so-called "special period in time of peace" [from 1991 to the end of the decade], and the 1994 Balseros or Rafters ... continue


Pig's Foot by Carlos Acosta EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Oscar Mandinga, great-grandchild of the founders of a small hamlet deep in the Cuban hinterland, is a sardonic teller of tales – some taller than others. But one day Oscar wakes to find himself utterly alone, the sole descendant of his family line. He is not sure what to do or where to go, but in the midst of this uncertainty, he holds fast to what his grandfather always told him: 'No man knows who he is until he knows his past.' So Oscar sets out to find his ancestral village and the meaning of the magical pig's-foot amulet he has inherited.


Revolution Sunday by Wendy Guerra EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
14 "BEST OF DECEMBER 2018" Lists Including Entertainment Weekly,, New York Magazine / Vulture, Bustle, The Millions, Crimereads / LitHub, Book Riot, Asymptote Journal, Vol. 1 Brooklyn , Bust, Pop Sugar and Words Without Borders A novel of glamour, surveillance, and corruption in contemporary Cuba, from an internationally bestselling author--who has never before been translated into English Cleo, scion of a once-prominent Cuban family and a promising young writer in her own right, travels to Spain to collect a prestigious award. There, Cuban expats view her with suspicion--assuming she'... continue


Sab by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
This tale of a slave's unrequited love for the woman who owns him is set in nineteenth-century colonial Cuba and was the only feminist-abolitionist novel published during the century in Spain or its colonies. This unique text raises important issues concerning power, race, gender and class in colonial societies, colonial and post-colonial subjectivity and identities, feminist appropriations of the abolitionist agenda, human rights discourse, and literary and philosophical issues associated with enlightenment thought. This new annotated critical edition is the first to provide the original Span... continue