Books set in Spain (122)

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A Gift for a Ghost by Borja Gonzalez EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
"Originally published in 2018 in Spain by Penguin Random House as The black holes"--Copyright page


Alchimistul by Paulo Coelho RO

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
O data la cateva decenii, apare o carte care schimba pentru totdeauna viata cititorilor sai. Alchimistul lui Paulo Coelho este o astfel de carte. Singura noastra obligatie este sa ne realizam destinul. Extraordinarul roman al lui Paulo Coelho a inspirat milioane de cititori din intreaga lume. Aceasta poveste, uluitoare in simplitatea si intelepciunea ei, este despre un pastor andaluz pe nume Santiago care isi paraseste casa din Spania, aventurandu-se in Africa de Nord in cautarea unei comori ingropate in Piramide. Pe drum intalneste o tiganca tanara si frumoasa, un barbat care isi spune rege s... continue


An Apartment on Uranus : Chronicles of the Crossing by Paul B. Preciado EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
A “dissident of the gender-sex binary system” reflects on gender transitioning and political and cultural transitions in technoscientific capitalism. Uranus, the frozen giant, is the coldest planet in the solar system as well as a deity in Greek mythology. It is also the inspiration for uranism, a concept coined by the writer Karl Heinrich Ulrich in 1864 to define the “third sex” and the rights of those who “love differently.” Following Ulrich, Paul B. Preciado dreams of an apartment on Uranus where he might live beyond existing power, gender and racial strictures invented by modernity. “My tr... continue


Aprender a hablar con las plantas by Marta Orriols ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
La primera y esperada novela ganadora del premio Òmnium y el premio L'Illa dels Llibres de una gran autora: el retrato de la encrucijada vital de una mujer. «Marta Orriols tiene la capacidad de fijar con palabras la fugacidad y lo imprevisto de las circunstancias cotidianas.» Ponç Puigdevall, El País « El odio y el amor a veces se acoplan en una sola bola, como gotas de mercurio, y de la amalgama surge un sentimiento pesante y tóxico y extrañamente añorado. Eso es lo que irrita. La añoranza, a pesar de todo.» Paula Cid es una neonatóloga de cuarenta y dos años con una vida ordenada. Apasionada... continue


Bad Habit by Alana S. Portero EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Combining the raw realism and vulnerability of Shuggie Bain and Detransition, Baby with the poignant sensibility of Pedro Almodóvar, a staggering coming-of-age novel deeply rooted in the class struggles of a trans woman growing up in Madrid in the last decades of the twentieth century. "I saw a whole generation of boys fall like irredeemable angels." Told in the heartrending voice of a girl trapped within the body of a boy, Bad Habit is a story of coming-of-age in working class Madrid-in a godforsaken neighborhood ironically named after a saint. Alana S. Portero's spunky protagonist struggles ... continue


Bloemblad van zee by Isabel Allende NL

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
Twee jonge Spanjaarden ontvluchten Spanje vanwege de Burgeroorlog en bouwen in Chili een nieuw leven op.


Carnet de Voyage by Craig Thompson EN

Rating: 4.2 (5 votes)
Craig Thompson - the award-winning creator of Blankets and Good-Bye, Chunky Rice - spent three months travelling through Barcelona, the Alps, and France, as well as Morocco, where he was researching his next graphic novel, Habibi. Spontaneous sketches and a travelogue diary document his adventures and quiet moments, creating a raw and intimate portrait of countries, culture and the wandering artist.


Cathedral of the Sea by Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Follows the fortunes of the Estanyol family in medieval Barcelona, whose rise from peasantry is marked by their stoneworker son's role in building the Santa Maria del Mar cathedral and his forbidden love for a Jewish woman.