Books set in Spain (123)

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The Time In Between : A Novel by Maria Duenas EN

Rating: 3.9 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
"The Time In Between follows the story of a seamstress who becomes the most sought-after couturiere during the Spanish Civil War and World War II"--Provided by publisher.


The Wind from the East by Almudena Grandes EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
In a small seaside suburb two strangers arrive - Juan Olmedo, accompanied by his mentally disabled brother and his young niece, and Sara Gomez, an enigmatic woman in her fifties. Both have their reasons for fleeing the city. Sara's father had returned from the Civil war a broken man, unable to support his family. In desperation, her mother was forced to give up the young baby to her childless employer. Growing up amidst a background that would never truly be her own, Sara was forever caught between her love of the good life and her feelings of duty towards a family and a poverty that repelled ... continue


The Wonders by Elena Medel EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
"Through the rich inner lives of two ordinary, unforgettable women, award-winning Spanish poet Elena Medel brings a half-century of the feminist movement to life, revealing the simmering truth that money is ultimately the limiting factor in most women's lives"--


This Too Shall Pass : A Novel by Milena Busquets EN

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Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Feeling aimless after the death of the mother who was central to her life, forty-year-old Blanca turns to sex, her friends, and her family for comfort before leaving her Barcelona home and embarking on a journey with her loved ones in search of healing and purpose.


Ultimas tardes con Teresa by Juan Marsé ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
El audaz y ambicioso Manolo, chulo y caza-fortunas, desheredado murciano del Monte Carmelo en Barcelona, luego del equívoco con Maruja, logra llegar a la rica universitaria Teresa Serrat, y para su sorpresa, conoce el verdadero amor. El libro está desarrollado con crudo realismo, un erotismo siempre latente y una tierna construcción de los personajes. Bueno.


Una mujer no muere jamás by Elisa Beni ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
¿Qué potentes hilos pueden ligar a una anónima mujer de postguerra con una joven periodista recién divorciada del siglo XXI? Esta es la historia de dos mujeres o puede que de todas las mujeres. La nueva novela de Elisa Beni nos traslada al Madrid franquista de posguerra en una historia llena de secretos que reivindica el papel de las mujeres en la época más reciente y convulsa de la historia de España. Lara, desde un Madrid frenético y prepandémico, se lanza en busca de explicaciones sobre la vida de la mujer que murió en el piso que acaba de alquilar y que fue encontrada momificada diez años ... continue


Una vida en juego by Albert Salvadó ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Andorra flag Andorra
Víctor Pons, un hombre de clase obrera, trabaja como jefe de seguridad del casino de La Rabassada, que se inauguraría en Barcelona en 1911. A partir de ese momento, Pons vivirá dos hechos trascendentales en su vida: se enamorará perdidamente de Carla Torr


Wasabi : by Alan Pauls ES

0 Ratings
Invitado a pasar dos meses en una residencia de escritores en un puerto francés, un novelista argentino treintañero, emprende el viaje junto a su mujer como si fuera un programa turístico. No sabe hasta qué punto esa vacación europea se convertirá en la p


When I Sing, Mountains Dance by Irene Solà EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Sol?'s vivid and magical tale, winner of the European Union Prize, brings to life a small Pyrenees village. The story begins when a farmer is killed by a lightning strike during a storm, leaving his wife, Si?, a widowed mother to a daughter, Mia, and a two-month-old son, Hilari. When Mia grows up, she falls in love with Jaume, the son of "Giants," who are stigmatized for their size as well as lack of education and rough manner. After Jaume accidentally kills Hilari in a hunting accident, he's jailed while he awaits his trial for murder, and Mia is left alone to live her life in the mountains w... continue


Why, Why, Why? by Quim Monzó EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
A man tries to teach a stone to speak through sheer force of will. An engaged couple makes a pact to never lie, and their union dissolves immediately. Over the course of a phone call, a man learns that his girlfriend died months ago, and that he’s been unknowingly seeing her twin sister. Prince Charming marries Cinderella, but then has an affair with the evil stepsisters. A psychopath's liver explodes after a night of heavy drinking, but instead of killing him, it allows him to be a better drinker. These, and many more, strange and twisted characters populate the pages of Why, Why, Why? , a d... continue